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Image Comments posted by hadady


    Ellen: I really enjoy the framing you have executed here. Very nice. Thank you for such a lovely image. Also, the warm coloration is nice.
  1. I like the idea of timed exposure, etc. for detail w/blur. The B&W formatt accentuates the detail/blur contrast. The abstract cropping of additional images in the portfolio cause to me to wonder what color may bring to the ongoing study by the photographer. Whether muted or vibrant, I believe color would be an interesting advance.
  2. Jarek: This is a wonderfully delicate image. Somehow, I am seeing it a tad lighter on the gamma scale -- I want to see electric frosting on the edges of the white plumes and gold in the yellow grasses -- perhaps I like too much color? Thank you for your lovely image.


    The gentleness of this image is very nice. I like how the foreground flower just reaches beyond the background field's ridgeline. Thank you for this lovely image.
  3. Spectacular! M.C. Escher is spying this piece. The clouds at the top as reflected in the water, putting a cotton type halo on the trees completes the full range of color for me in this image. Thank you for this image.
  4. As a painter and photographer, I enjoy saturation; however, when I veiwed your toned down version in your "Artistic" folder, I enjoyed the softer version better. The lower vibration of the colors allowed me to see more of the image without missing out on the fabulous coloration. Thank you for this image. It is very beautiful.
  5. This image works well for me. Multiple "twin" effects of the two sets of women, the foreground/background divide, the check table cloth, the "Justice" T-Shirt and pages of patterns on the table, all the dyads make a nice echo resonance throughout. Thank you for this image.


    Not one for macro/nature shots, I like this image. The stance of the bird is good tension opposite the flying background movement. The birds I host on my deck often look like this just before jumping into flight. Thank you for the image.

    The Wooden Man

    From the deep saturation of the leaves to the dry surface at the tree's base to the bleached background pavement: the shade of the tree is truly "felt" in this image -- magical! Thank you for this lovely image.


    I like that this is in black and white and that the background is pitch -- I like the textures. Most do this in color. Thank you for choosing B&W!
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