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Image Comments posted by hadady

    Fort Pulaski

    So nice to see someone shooting from what appears to be mroe id than superego . . . keep up the good work. I really enjoy your "snapshot" approach to several of your photos.
  1. A beautiful and moving image. Try moving your focal horizon line to 2/3 or 1/3 positions to the arperture for a more stimulating effect. A 50/50 shot, even if a reflection, bores the eye very quickly. Personally, I would enjoy seeing more foreground of the water in this image. The few turning trees add a lot of spark to the quiet image.

    HDR #1

    Really do not know photo or 99% of the different processes as I have a painting backgroud and am somewhat an expert with color. This shot greatly attracted me due to unique color . . . unlike any other on PN as so many adhere to some type of standard that has been tried, tested and, well, done, this range of color is terrific. Was something found here by accident? I totally love the color, especially with the sparce clouds and jet trail dancing in the sky. Fabulous!


    The square frame, slightly off concrete, brilliant contrast of the people and curve of the structure, and hairline pavement lines all work very well for me. Thank you for posting.
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