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Image Comments posted by jim_g.1

  1. I have seen this done by a few others on PN, and decided to give it

    a try while reading an old book (1955)"Available light and your

    camera" I am willing to bet that none of the writers gave a second

    thought back then about digital cameras. Thank to all of the

    photographers out there that inspired this and thanks to all of

    those whose shoulders we all stand on today.


    Your comments and suggestions are always welcome.


    I am liking the light, the distraction for me is that the childs face seems to be slightly out of focus that may be on purpose for a soft focus effect. One other thing I might have done would have child move her arm just a little more to the left for a really nice diagonal composition. I do like the light though it seems very natural.

    Eye drops


    Just goofing off with a pan of water and a turkey baster...I was

    worried about getting the camera wet but it all worked out. As

    always your comments are very much appreciated. If you do rate this

    photo please add a critique, it really is the only way we can

    improve our work...or play.



    The sun was shining through a window and onto a triangle shaped

    paper weight the resulting spectrum was displayed on my living room

    wall. I just had to get a photograph of it.


    Your thoughts and coments are welcome.

  2. Thank you each and every one for your comments on this photo. I was going to use some weed killer on the lawn until I saw this photograph. I never realized how attractive a weed could be. I really like the way that each petal looks like a brush stroke...Anyone have a recipe for dandelion wine?

    Water abstract

    I like the diagonal composition of this photograph, I do not find it to be monotonous as there are just enough breaks in the water streams. To me a good abstract can not be recognized on first sight, and it requires that "double take" quality that can't exactly be explained. Tiago has achieved both in this photograph. To me composition is the key element in abstracts. Simplicity works well but IMHO it is not a key, just one of many possible elements. This is a really good photo I 0k...ok its a great photo.



    Andrey and Peter thank you both for your suggestions. Andrey I see what you mean about the shirt popping a little better had it been yellow. Peter I liked your "Mad Tea Party" image (manipulation free) I did mimick it just a bit it this 2nd effort. The one thing I just don't want to loose from this image is the smile on the kids face.

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