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Image Comments posted by jim_g.1

    The soccer crew


    Mark, first let me say that the moment captured here is fantastic and cudos to you for seeing it. Unfortunately it is out of focus and not on par with your other works which by the way are for the most part fantastic. I am also not sure about the crop on this photo I would like to have seen the full arms on both the left and right subjects. Keep up the good work.



    red 3


    The fist thing that catches my eye is the knot in the background it stuck out and really distracted from the overall photograph. It seems that the face of the model is slightly out of focus. The light source has caused some very strong shadows behind the model and part of the cape or drape to be underexposed.




    What ever kind of fish it is, I like what you have done with it. I can't help but wonder if it might have been just a little better with the drops (runs) of paint beginning to disperse in the water....keep up the great work.

    fall foliage

    All in all a nice capture. Unlike Ralu, I do not see anything that strikes me as unreal, a word used in a few of that members ratings. I really like the way you captured the light play on the forground tree. The diagonal running from uper left to bottom right serves the composition of this image well.
  1. As Chris said the light source isn't (inho) all that important the important part is getting the white balance set correctly for the existing light. This is a really big advantage of digital photography instead of changing film we can simply adjust our white balance and ISO settings for the invironment we are working in.
  2. You can fashion a light tent out of a few dowels and a white bed sheet. A couple of regular desk lights or clip on lights work really well. When you do this shoot in raw so you can adjust the white balance or set your white balance manually.


    Digital Darkroom



    I hope you didn't think I was angree or upset in any way about your helpful critiqe. That is what I asked for, I was just unable to see in my minds eye what you were seeing in yours. I like the idea of changing the opacity on the hands...maybe even adding some motion blur.


    Thank you very much for following up, and please don't stop giving your opinion...


    Best regards



    Eye drops


    George, Scott, Biliana, and Kim


    Thank you all for taking some time to view my eye drops. I had been wanting to do a water drop shot for some time but hesitated thinking a would probably just get my camera wet, not to mention the fact that it has been done in so many ways.


    George, I will ad some reflection to the eye one of these days to make it match more closely. Happy New year to one and all.

    Another 8 seconds


    There can be no doubts about the amazing amount of talent and inspiration found on PN. So many people capturing so many images and sharing them with everyone. Nothing but good could come from that.


    Thank you everyone for your comments and your time. Keep those shutters flaping and keep up loading those images. We all have so much to learn.

    Digital Darkroom


    Ed and Kim,

    Thank you both for taking the time to coment on this picture. Kim I have looked and looked at the hands, and Im not seeing the "off" bit. Help me out if you have the time and show me what you mean.

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