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Image Comments posted by cycler48


    I like what you've done with this. It looks very much like some of the old photos from when my mother was a small child ... the early 1930's.

    Wild Snowy owl

    This immediately caught me eye. Such a beautiful photo and it's perhaps the best owl photo I've seen. The white background is perfect and allows me to focus only on those wonderful eyes and the open mouth.

    Free Play

    Marvelous photo. They look like they're having a great time. What I like most is the natural looking progression beginning with the dog on the left. This would be like a stop motion progression of the movement of just one dog ... if you get what I mean.

    Saxophone player.


    Calvin does his famous Bill Clinton impersonation.


    Another delightful photograph. I think I'll refer to you as the 'Rodent Queen' from here on out. I don't know how you get these guys to cooperate, but I have enjoyed every one of these.

    Boomerang shadow

    Life pops up in the strangest places. There's nothing I can say that hasn't already been said regarding this image, except that I agree with the previous comments (even he ones that aren't in English ;-)). Very well done.
  1. Interesting photo. There really is a lot to look at here and I feel the drain pipe makes it easier to do that by dividing the picture into left and right halves. I like the textures of the brick and the mish mash of lines created by the apparently dead creeping vines. Also, the photo has me wondering what's going on with the two blackened windows. Perhaps the apartment of a recluse or former spy? ;-)
  2. I like all three of these, but this one I like the most. Perhaps it's the composition. The branch shadows in the foreground direct the viewer toward the building as do the branches in the upper left. You did a nice job with the exposure ... nothing overblown and no seriously heavy shadows.


    Buffalo has a lot of beautiful old buildings and homes ... I hope to see more.

  3. I really like this one more than the others. Great time of the day for a Buffalo waterfront photo and including the boat in the frame adds to the photo. You could pass this on to the chamber of commerce to use in their advertising. Well done.


    My dad had a boat and I really enjoyed my time on the river and Lake Erie. I learned how to waterski at Strawberry Island when I was about 10 years old.

  4. I too like the original the best. There's more of a sense of depth and height. Also, the b+w version doesn't do much for me. If anything (although minor), I'd crop from the bottom just to the point where the near end of the downed log would be gone. I like this photo and I'm sure different people will have different ideas as to what they'd like to see, but the bottom line is ... what pleases you.


    Good work.

  5. I love this pose and the facial expression. Afghans are such beautiful and regal looking dogs and you have succeeded in showing that. The facial detail is very good and the wind blown hair adds to the regal look. My only (very minor) complaint would be the background. Perhaps a little more blurring would be better. As is though, I really like what you've done with this.
  6. What a nice scene. I think including a little more foreground would have been nice as long as it was more of the field and hay bales. Either way, you've created a very peaceful and relaxing scene. This reminds me of the motorcycle trip I took that went from Buffalo to the Great Smokey Mountain National Park. I travelled along the Skyline Drive and the Blue Ridge Parkway with a group of about ten friends. It was beautiful.

    Kado and the Bone

    The dog's facial expression is priceless. I don't feel you've done anything seriously wrong with composition or DOF, but I think this would be better in color (like your other photo of Kado and the bone).
  7. Gordon ... this drive-by might be your best yet. I think this would look very nice as a large print hanging on my living room wall. The merging colors of the foliage are beautiful and, for me, the roadside, rails, and trees (birch?) anchor the image. You definitely have this technique down to an art.


    Have fun in Honduras. The first order of business would be to thaw completely before snorkeling.

    The musician 2


    Calvin patiently waits as the other members of the Mighty Mouse Jazz Ensemble finish tuning their instruments. Meanwhile, his thoughts are of the love of his life, Minnie, who is in the audience waiting to watch him perform.


    Ellen, you're doing some very wonderful work with these two critters. Very nice detail and depth of field and the composition and lighting are perfect.

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