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Image Comments posted by cycler48

  1. Gordon ... this is amazing. It looks like something from a dream or a horror movie. Or ... considering my medical background ... from inside a body cavity and the bright light in the center is the light from the doctor's scope. It also looks like something I saw in an old Twilight Zone episode. Regardless of what I think it looks like, it certainly looks to be something other than a photograph. Now I need to stop looking at it. It has my imagination in overdrive and I'm afraid things will soon begin to short out.

    Beech Wood

    That's some nice detail in the 100% crop. Depending on the size of the print it should look great framed and hanging on your wall. Overall, I really like the photo. Nice detail, beautiful dog, and a very natural outdoor setting.


    I like this crop. Of course, that's just my preference. The green foliage in the previous version added nothing to the image. If you get a chance to re-shoot the image, I'd try for more sharpness. I love that face!

    Beech Wood

    Lovely Autumn setting. My preference would be to have Laika a little larger in the frame and maybe(?) a little more off center. Perhaps you know that the first living Earth creature in space was a Russian dog named Laika in 1957.

    Eye for the Sky

    I like the POV on this. Also, the dog's expression and those amazing eyes. I too would like to know if that's a blue or blind eye. A very good friend of mine had an Aussie with one brown and one blue eye. My assumption would be this is a blue eye.



    Winifred, an elderly lady bug, decided to join a lonely hearts club. It wasn't what she expected. The memory fades into the distance.


    Ellen, I love the way you use God's little creatures in your photos.

    My Left Shoe

    During my college days (when I was sober for approximately 3 hrs 24 minutes), I used to see this all the time. This is such an interesting image. As I look at it, I see it for what it is, left shoe and blurred leaves/grass, but I also see feathers. Most interesting of all is that I see the face of a man with a long, narrow beard and he's wearing a coon-skin cap. I'm sure the more I look, the more I'll discover. No 3's here. Very well done!


    Just in time for Halloween! A very unique and haunting photo. The in focus cracked creosote leading to the dark of your beard(?), then to the blurred face gives this photo a wonderful three dimensional effect.
  2. "Igor! Bring me the potion!"


    This must be the most patient dog on the planet. Sweetpea's expression is wonderful, and the lower canine tooth poking out over the upper lip is priceless and adds a lot to the feel of the photo. The detail is good and, for me, the background color is perfect.

    My baby

    Karen ... This is a very cute photo. My preference would be more DOF to, at least, have the front legs in focus, and no shadow under the chin. Keep snapping away at this little cutie.
  3. Prison inmates number 547654 and 547665 planning their big break. I always wonder what's on a dog's mind when they do the things they do. I like that Darwin's nose and left eye are plainly visible. For me, the eye brings in a sight factor ... Darwin isn't just sniffing the air, but actually checking to see if he guard is still on duty. ;-) I also like the blue-gray color to the edges of the boards. I'm not sure yet how I feel about Crazy Maggie's out of focus nose, but I'd like to see it removed to compare the two.



  4. When I used to live in the Buffalo area, on nice days like this we all went to the beach. I like the feel of this photo. It reminds me of the winter storms that used to roll in off of Lake Erie. I always loved the storms, it was the aftermath that I wasn't so fond of. My last winter in Western New York was the winter of '76/'77. We had the mother of all storms that winter. I got caught out when it began ... high winds, driving snow, air temp of 0 F and a wind chill of -64F. I've been in Southern California ever since.
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