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Image Comments posted by cycler48

  1. I'm a real softy for dog photos (just take a look at my portfolio and you'll see that). I love the general idea for this photo, but I feel it's cropped too tightly. The dog has its right paw on the girl's shoulder and I'd like to see more in that area and perhaps see more of what is below the lower level of the crop.
  2. "Hey ... no fair! From back there it looked like cheese."


    Ellen, I always enjoy viewing your work. You have a wonderful mastery of the camera and composition. Of course, I must also give credit to the mice.

  3. Calvin tunes his bass moments before going onstage with the Mighty Mouse Jazz Ensemble. He hopes to one day become the big cheese of the group.


    Ellen ... you've outdone yourself with this. Very clever and what a very talented rodent.

  4. I agree with Alberta. Stop critiquing your own work. No need to make yourself feel bad about any flaws in your work when we're more than capable of doing it for you. Anyway, I really don't see the fuzziness that you've mentioned nor any problem with blown out snow. This is a very beautiful scene and I can envision my tent set up in the meadow at left.


    What a wonderful composition. The tools of the hunt on the chair and the two dogs eager to get down to business. Very nicely set up.

    Gordon Setter Pup

    Aside from the adorable facial expression, I love the background on this and the placement of the dog in the frame. I do find he bright object in the lower left to be a little distracting though. Beautiful dog portrait.
  5. I like the 3D effect this creates and I'm certainly not opposed to using special effects filters to achieve the end result you desire. To me, part of photography is the photographer's interpretation of a subject. In comparing this image to the original, you've taken a not so good photo and transformed it into something quite unique. Good work.

    Cousin Gabe

    This image brings a smile to my face. I get the feeling that this young lad is an angel with horns. In other words, a very sweet boy with a mischievous side. Aside from a few technical things, this is as pure as it gets. Well done.



    This makes me wonder just what kind of scary things lie in wait, hiding in the fog at the end of the road.


    One of my all time favorite movies is The Fog (with Jamie Lee Curtis).


    For my taste, I much prefer the non-arranged shots. They have a warmer feel to them. You really did capture a precious moment with this photo.
  6. B&W is perfect for this photo. I agree with Alberta that it would be nice to see the inside graffiti a little better, but it certainly doesn't take anything away from the image. If I remember correctly (we already know how good my memory is) there used to be a boathouse that looked something like this on the island. Is this it? I remember going there with my parents as a young boy and renting a boat.
  7. It was 1969 according to Wikipedia. I should have kept the barrel ... the date was inscribed on it. The one thing I do remember as if i was yesterday ... the smell! The darned thing smelled absolutely rotten.
  8. I think I would have cropped lower at the top to remove the washed out sky. Overall, a very nice photo of a very old building. I'm trying to make something out of the pattern of the bricks, but so far nothing.


    N.T. sure has a lot of very old buildings. Is the Riviera still standing? In 1968/69 my first wife and I lived on Oliver Street which, at one time was said to have the most bars per mile than anywhere else. It's definitely a working man's town.

  9. Niagara Falls under the colored lights is a thing of beauty and you captured it well. This photo reminds me of the time I tried to go over in a barrel. The only problem was that it was 1967 (or '68?), the summer they diverted the water away from the American side to study the rock structure. Needless to say, my barrel went nowhere and I was the laughing stock of WNY. From then on I was known as "Nowhere man". ;-)

    Rough Collie dog

    This is definitely one of the best dog photos I've seen. Lighting, detail, composition are all top-notch. The Collie is absolutely gorgeous and perfectly groomed. The idea of having the stuffed toy hanging from the dog's mouth is acknowledgment of the Collie's herding abilities and works well in this photo. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! I love Collies.


    My condolences for your loss. I know the pain and sadness that accompanies the loss of a faithful friend. This photo captures the spirit of Tawnee and, if it was mine, I'd frame it and hang it in a place where I'd see it every day.
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