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Image Comments posted by mcgarity


    Thanks for the suggestions. This is NOT one of my favorites. But it has gotten a decent response from the public so I have left it.
  1. To be honest I don't think you need detail. This image is all about the outline of the mountains, the silhouette of the trees and the color of the sky. In fact it most appealing aspect is that simplicity. IMHO if you lightened it to show more detail it would lose its effectiveness. In this case less really is more.

    An Auburn Moon


    Thank you Kim. I personally like it but you are right, it is a bit odd. It combines a couple of my favorite elements. Namely night time shots with long exposures under a full moon and flowing water. It reminds me of what Forrest Gumps mother used to say about that box of chocolates. "You never know what you are going to get."



  2. Rafik


    Thank you. To be honest the really hard part with this photo wasn't getting the right exposure. The real challenge was in getting a sharp image in a strong gusty wind. It took a lot of weight hanging from the center post of the tripod to stabilize it.


    Thanks for commenting. I do appreciate it.



  3. Jade thank you very much for rummaging around in my portfolio. Its been a little over a year since I took this. In May of 2005 I was shooting around that pond almost daily both mornings and evenings. That being the case I couldn't remember what time I took this. I had to look at the time stamp on the Raw file to see. Although the photo has the feel of late afternoon, it turns out looks are deceiving. It was actually taken just as it was getting light in the morning.


    Thanks again for commenting on this. Its really one of my own personal favorites.


    Sondra and Richard are right about the crop. Cropping it in a vertical format just above the trees elevates and transforms it into a stunning image.


    I have seen a lot of these shots so I can't say its unique. But I can say its beautiful. Very good work. That ray of light adds a nice touch.
  4. Thank you Leann.


    Kim its going very slowly. A couple of interviews without much success. Actually the search has been on hold for three weeks. I was out in California for two of those and have been very busy at work since my return. But given the realities of the situation, I am going to have to start combing through monster.com again pretty quickly.

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