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Image Comments posted by mcgarity



    George, Al, and Kim


    Thank you very much for the comments. As to how I got so close, I was driving home after photographing wild turkeys when I saw this guy in a field just off the road. Its been my experience that wild animals are less inclined to head for the hills if a person stays inside a vehicle than if they get out. It doesn't always work but its worth a try. In this case it payed off. I just sat and watched from inside the cab of my pickup and shot this out the window. The truth is besides not wanting to alarm him, I was already cold and wet and I didn't feel like tramping through any more snow. :)


    P.S. I forgot to mention that I was using a 300mm lens with a 1.4X teleconverter on a 1.6 crop factor body. With that setup, the equivalent field of view is the same as a 670mm lens on a full frame body. In plain english that translates to a lot of telephoto.


    This coyote couldn't put any weight on his left front leg at all. I don't know what was wrong with it, but it was something serious. It didn't seem to impede his ability to catch small rodents though. I watched him for 20 minutes and in that time he snagged two. Both times he tossed his catch in the air several times before eating it. It looked for all the world like he was celebrating a successful hunt.

    Man's Best Friend

    If you are a dog lover you gotta love this. To be honest its a little soft. More than a little really. Even so its a compelling image. The color and composition are very good and the dog looks like he/she could steal your heart in no time flat. I like it in other words.

    Heron at Sunset


    Its not easy getting close enough to a heron to take this. They have a tendency to fly away just before you get within decent range. Kudos for having done so.


    I like the way you framed this. That said, the photo would be stronger without the out of focus vegetation in the lower left.



    It is quite an appealing photo even though compositionally the dog is much too centered. The color and contrast are outstanding.


    The vignetting in this is actually a plus. Painters have been darkening the edges of canvases for centuries to focus attention on the subject. It works for photographs as well. Ansel Adams employed this technique in many of his images.

  1. Welcome back Valkim/Stefan/Marina. Long time no see. Actually its not been long enough but such is life. Did you decide to stop back by and give me a visit for old times sakes or did you just get tired of harrassing Christopher Appoldt?

    Frozen tree

    It would have been better to frame it so that the central tree is not quite so central. I would suggest you crop it to completely remove the tree that is partially visible on the right. That would make it a much more effective image.


    You gotta love Velvia. The color in this is simply gorgeous. I like the composition and the texture of all those water drops too. I suspect this would look extraordinarily nice in a large print on the wall. Its first rate work.

    Dove in flight

    Very nice sense of motion with the blur in the wings. Its good work. If you have access to photoshop or something similar, I would suggest you brighten up the eye just a bit though.
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