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Image Comments posted by mcgarity

  1. Thank you Kim. The morning I took this was the first opportunity of my trip to do any real photography. The previous two days there had been a lot of fog over the river very early in the morning. I love shooting in inclement weather so thats what I was hoping for. I got my wish.


    The odd thing is, I spent all kind of time carefully composing various shots with a tripod. Some of those did come out okay. But this is the one I like the most. Wouldn't you know, its a hand held shot taken out the window of a car on the spur of the moment. I was amazed it came out sharp considering the slow shutter speed.


    Re a wierd signs collection, now you've got me thinking. It might make for an interesting book at that. :)

  2. It is right outside of Auburn roughly 40 miles east north-east of Sacramento. Its close to where gold was found in 1849. I didn't have time to really explore the area but was seriously impressed with what I did see.
  3. Thank you Robert. Thank you Eduardo. Thank you Steve. I appreciate the comments.


    Steve without a polarizer and neutral density filter the correct exposure would have would have been roughly 1/10 of a second at f11. The sun had already gone down and the light was fading pretty quickly.

    The Twilight Blues




    You are the second person that has told me the upper right hand corner is distracting. That being the case, I guess I'll have to play with it and see if I can figure out some way to rectify that. Thanks for taking time to comment.



  4. Anne-Sophie


    I managed to keep my feet on solid ground. I am not terribly fond of heights and that bridge is 215 meters tall. It wasn't hard to resist temptation. :)


    Your subway story brings back memories. My favorite mangled English sign of all time was on a massage parlor in Taiwan. It read "turkey bath and suddatorium." I was still chuckling a week later.


    Thanks for commenting. :)

    Sonic Squirrel


    Rafik, Laurie,and Jayme


    Sorry to be so long in responding. I would have done so earlier except I am in the middle of a business trip and haven't had a chance to check photo.net in a few days. That said I do appreciate the comments. Thank you much. :)



    Mellow Yellow


    Yes it is Kathy. Plantar faschitis makes the first couple of steps you take in the morning a real joy. Did you have surgery?


    Kim the problem is, it takes a while to get established well enough to earn a living at photography. I plan to try and make a few bucks with it when I retire. But at that point I can tap into savings and draw social security so I won't be dependent upon it to pay the bills. Problem is I still have four years to go before retirement.

    Mellow Yellow


    I spent January and February of 1967 in Washington state compliments of the U.S. Army. As best I recall, out of the 60 or so days I was there, you could count the days in which there was no rain on the fingers of one hand. (And it snowed on two of those). I don't mind a little rain but thats just too much of a good thing. And like you say Kim, its too crowded and too expensive even if the sun were to shine every day. Bottom line, the pacific northwest may be beautiful but I would rather take a pass.


    I think June is the best time for flowers in RMNP. And the best place that I know of is Endovalley just off of West Horseshoe. (Thats the best place to see big bull Elk in the winter too.)


    I have had three different pairs of orthodics for my feet made, but my right foot hasn't tolerated any of them very well. Three weeks ago I tried something called shockwave therapy. That is really nothing more than high power ultra sound to reduce inflamation in the plantar faschia ligament. The jury is still out but I have my fingers crossed.

    Mellow Yellow




    Thanks for asking. The main reason I am not posting these days is I have been distracted. The company that I work for is closing up shop in Colorado in few months. They offered me a position in Seattle but I really do NOT want to relocate. The bottom line is I have been preoccupied trying to find gainful employment in the local area which hasn't left a lot of time for photography.


    That said my feet are killing me these days too. :)

    Mellow Yellow


    Thank you Kim. Life is busy lately. Haven't had a chance to shoot much in almost a month. Like the commercial says I could really use a vacation. :)


    How about yourself?

    Sonic Squirrel


    That sounds like a heck of a construction Kathy.


    From your description I can just picture the the dog's reaction in my mind. Speaking of which my guys are always trying to catch squirrels in the park. To date the score is roughly squirrels 5000, dogs 0.

    Sonic Squirrel


    Thank you Leann. Re the straw, I wish. :)


    Squirrels are actually quite clever little critters. Just ask anyone who has ever tried to keep one out of a bird feeder. Its a losing proposition.

    Sonic Squirrel


    M Barbu, Kim, Baerbel, and Kathy


    Thank you one and all. I actually have thought about sending a copy of this to Sonic. :)


    When I first saw this guy he was fighting with another squirrel over the cup. It was empty but I am guessing the originial contents were someting sweet and syrupy and the residue was the big attraction. Thats my best guess anyway.


    Thank you Kathy. From what I can tell by zooming in on his leg, its been awhile since he lost the foot. I am absolutely amazed that this animal survived something like that. I can't imagine how it managed it. He wasn't overly fat, but he didn't appear to be starving either. He certainly has the art of catching mice down pat.


    Originally I thought it was just the angle he was holding his foot at that made it look so odd. Not so. I don't know how I missed seeing it. (I really do need a new pair of glasses.) Anyway I took a fresh look at several different photos I took of this guy. Whats wrong with his foot is that its missing. I'm thinking he had an unfortunate encounter with a trap. I would like to use the same trap on certain body parts of the person who set it. I absolutely despise those things.
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