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Image Comments posted by jeff_henderson


    very nice tones and contrast in this image. it's really clear and sharp as well. composition has the goose in just the right spot in the frame as well. nicely done all the way around is what I'm trying to say!
  1. I love abstract images such as these and this one is a good one. Yellow and blue are complimentary colors and look good together. Add diagonal shadows to create a sense of dynamic enegy make for an interesting photo such as this.


    I'm not sure what Gary was looking at as far as being blown out in the upper left: either you have resubmitted since he commented or maybe the brightness on his monitor has been turned up but it looks good on my screen and I'm calibrated. No offense intended towards you, Gary, I just don't see what you're talking about.


    Nice photo all the same.




    Yikes. I get shivers when I see this but it is a fantastic photo. I'm not a macro guy so I don't know how you were able to get all that dof in this shot, but it is truly amazing!



    Thank you for your feed back everyone. It has been very helpful to me and a few things that have been pointed out to me as flaws will be addressed. Thanks for taking the time to comment and I appreciate the kind words, also.




    I really love the look and feel of this image as many of the photos in your portfolio. This is an excellent example of using repeating shapes and contrasts in tones to make an image really stand out. Nicely done.



    I was driving past the old Chi-Chi's restaurant earlier today and when I was done with

    work I went back in the evening thinking I was going to get some multi-colored geometric

    shape type color detail shots but wound up with this instead. The moon was visible before

    the sun set this evening but not full so I replaced it with a shot of a full moon that I had on



    All comments welcome and appreciated and thanks for looking.



  2. You asked what you could do to make it stand out: I think it is very good as is. If anything at all, maybe a slight crop on the left and bottom, but not so much on the left as to eliminate the foliage in the background because then the dog's face would look completely boxed in. The look on the dog's face is priceless and it would be hard to improve on it in my opinion.


    Great image. Love the tone, the vignette at the corners and the plant in the foreground that draws in the viewer's eye. Well done all the way around!

    Roy's Garage


    This is a parking garage in a town near where I live. I have seen it

    on a frequent basis in the years that it has been there and yet today

    was the first time ever that I took any pics of it. Hope you enjoy and

    all comments are welcome. Thanks for looking.

  3. Another shot in my series of Southwest Cafe pics. I've noticed a trend

    of lights in my images as of late and have decided I'm going to expand

    on this theme. More to come later. All comments welcome and thanks for


  4. Thank you for the kind words, folks. As far as the timing for this shot, I sat and waited for almost an hour for the sun to get in the right position for the shadows to fall where they are at. I think it was worth the wait.


    Thanks again for viewing and leaving comments.



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