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Image Comments posted by jeff_henderson

    Lines 1

    In my design class in the photo department at school we were taught about "alternating figure/ground" compositions. These are difficult to find in the real world and are usually found only in drawings/paintings. You have managed to pull off this difficult task in the photographic world and did a tremendous job of it, too.

    yad veshem

    What a poignant image. You wonder what must be going through his mind and how emotional it must be for him to be seeing those images in front of him. Don't even need to see his face to know that this must be an excruciating experience for him. Very good image.

    Bug Light


    Some people don't like the lines (reflections) in this image. Personally they do not bother

    me as I feel they add to the photo by way of showing the curvature of the metal. What do

    you think?

  1. I love this image. It is very well done. At first I thought I was seeing a shadow being cast on the side of a building but upon closer inspection I saw there was more to it than that. Congratulations on beautiful image!

    I Love You


    This old building caught my attention while I was driving along the highway very early in

    the morning last year and once I saw it I knew there had to be a shot somewhere. When I

    pulled up to the building I noticed the mailbox with beer containers inside and knew I

    found my shot. One of my personal best pics. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.


    You put a lot of thought and effort into this photo and it has paid off as it is one of the most interesting photos I've ever seen. I've had some ideas for some theme photos that I've been putting off shooting but now you have inspired me to get busy and start working on them. Thanks for the pic and the inspiration!

    Black and White

    Very nicely done. I love the concept, it's very eye catching. I wonder though, what this set up would've looked like using a light tent. I believe this would've cut down on the amount of extraneous reflections in the spoon. Nice pic, though.

    Old Towne Lamp


    When I shot this photo I thought I really had something nice but it turned out that it was

    rather drab. I started just playing with it in P/S and this is the end result. Hope you enjoy

    viewing it. Tell me what you think, also, please.

    Moon Spires


    For this image I took one shot for the exposure of the spires on this church and

    another shot with the exposure set for the moon and combined the two images for an

    extended dynamic range image.

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