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Image Comments posted by jeff_henderson

  1. Self portrait done for an assignment that was focused on saying something about myself;

    likes, dislikes, etc, hence all the lenses in the image. I'm in there, but some people don't

    find me right away, look hard enough and you wil see me in the pic.


    All comments welcome.


    Thank you for viewing!



    This photo is very interesting to me as I feel there is a message being spoken here. I must admit that I'm not exactly sure I have completely grasped what it is, but I am sure that the obvious overiding theme is life/death. I'll have to give some thought to this. Thanks for sharing this photo. Also want to thank you for the comments on my gallery page. You were very kind.



    Spartan Spirit


    That is a block style "S" on the tree. This photo was taken of some farm property that is

    owned by Michigan State University, hence the "S" and title "Spartan Spirit". All comments

    welcome. Thank you for viewing.


    I love the lighting and the skin tone. One thing bothers me, it looks like she has a mustache. I'm not a lighting expert so wouldn't know how to advise on lighting a portrait like this and eliminate that type of shadowing. Overall it's a beautiful image.
  2. Just guessing by what I see here, but it looks like you could really add impact to this image by punching up the contrast, especially in the midtones. I played with this in ps and I'll up load a copy of what I did.


    Made two duplicate layers of the background. One layer I ran through "highpass" filter, under "other" in the filters, set blending mode to "hard light" and adjusted opacity down to about 50-60 %. Second layer I ran through "Custom" under "other" in filters and used default settings. Used "Normal" for blending mode and set opacity to about 56%.


    I was working with a small jpeg in 8-bit mode, so artifacts were accentuated, but if you start with a good 16 bit image you should get good results. Try to get some detail in that hotspot just to the right of that large dome.


    Nice image!

  3. I like how the trolley car is just moving into the frame of the image and the leading lines are good, also. One thing I think could have improved this shot would be if you had focused more into the distance; the Christmas lights, shops and the building that the leading lines are taking you to are soft.


    I must confess that I, too, wondered what all the fuss was about this image. There are a lot of good things about it technically, such as good detail in the white satin jacket, the splash of color of the wrist watch to contrast with the white that almost nearly fills the frame. Exposure is good and background is blurred more than adequately to seperate subject from the background, but I don't see any emotion expressed on the face of the subject that would indicate that it's very cold. I would think if it's so terribly cold she'd be wearing gloves. In conclusion, good photo on the technical side, but does nothing for me in terms of conveying much of a story or aesthetic value. As stated by a previous member, I am not trying to be mean, but am I missing something here as to why all the fuss?


    This has got to be one of the best digital manip's I've seen. I'm utterly stunned with how well the multiple exposures (at least that's what it looks like to me) work together with the interesting way you turned this into a beautiful work of art. Nice job!
  4. I happened to be at this building one day for work and I noticed how interesting the lines

    of this structure were. Somewhat unusual, actually, as you can see. The windows are

    seemingly arbitrary and the overhang flares out and upward (not just a perspective

    distortion from my wind angle lens) and I figured there had to be a shot some where.


    I came back one morning, as the building faces east and I wanted full light on the front of

    the building, and I shot a whole roll of film on this building. This one was my favorite, as

    the shadow of the street lamp was a surprise: I hadn't noticed the lamp when I was there

    previously and think that it really adds to the image.


    What do you think?


    I agree with Nate. Cropping off the bottom would improve this shot. Nice eye in catching this, it's a really nice photo.
  5. Very cool shot (no pun intended). I like the tones and colors of the background. This is very well done. Texture of the ice is interesting and also emulates the feeling of the barbed wire. Thanks for sharing.
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