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Image Comments posted by jeff_henderson

    my horse

    I don't believe I've ever seen markings like that on a horse before. Very beautiful, though. Nice composition and good depth of field. Very clear and crisp image.
  1. I went today to a building I shot last night as the sun was low in the

    sky and shot it again with different lighting on the scene. I believe

    I prefer this one to the other. Slightly different in several regards,

    what do you think? Please comment.


    Very nice capture; quite unique among shots of water drops that I have seen prior to this one. Very well done.
  2. To answer your question concerning the quality, there appears to be missing information in the image. Fine detail on the body of the bee is gone in places. Is this image the result of a very tight crop from an image where the bee was much smaller in the frame? Another possible explaination is too much compression when converted to jpeg. Those are my guesses off the top of my head for the loss of detail on this shot.

    Angel, in pink

    She is a very beautiful angel and this is a very nice photo of her. Nice capture. Looks a tad soft, but I don't think it hurts this pic, especially given the type of photo that it is.

    My Sweet Erika


    Shot using window light and a fill reflector camera right. Don't get too many opportunities

    to shoot portraits, and this was a very simple setup as well, but what do ya think for a first

    attempt at a photo of this kind?

    The cacti

    I love this image because you have eliminated all the extraneous details and gave the viewer only enough information to know that this is a building in the southwest. colors are fantastic as well! Nicely done!

    The end (2)


    Hi Loft. Nice image and concept as usual. I would have preferred more image and less frame! Hope this is just an experiment with frames so that in the future you'll be more inclined to show us more of the image you have produced.


    Kind regards,




    P.S. Is that a skull?

    Sunset Ice


    Gorgeous image with lots of detail despite shooting into the sun. Nicely done! One thing I noticed, though, that makes me wonder: highlights in the foreground on the snow/ice have a greenish tint. Kind of unusual, but it could be my monitor, it's been a month since I've calibrated it.


    Very nice image!





    Thanks for the reply, Tiffany. It is a thought provoking image. What struck me about the image is that this young lady is sitting in such a way as to loosely emulate the position of a woman giving birth while also straddling a tombstone marked "mother". Themes of life/death, cycle of life, etc. come to mind. There are other things in the image that could be interpreted as supporting elements of these ideas: the long shadows, the black dress to support the "death" aspect. The youthhfulness of the subject to support "life".


    Just some thoughts that come to mind when I see this image. Whether I'm in the ballpark or not, I must say it speaks to me and those are always my favorite kinds of images.


    Best regards,



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