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Image Comments posted by arnabbanerjee

    Water & Sky

    I feel that there is too much sky in this one. The waterfall looks small because of that. Also, use of polarizer made the sky unnaturally dark in the corner - I will recommned to crop the sky 1/3.

    Light bulb

    It is cliche - have seen similar images thousand times. But that said, I never can stop looking at photos like this. I think that the lighting and techniques were veri good here - almost perfect. Composition is ok - with no sense of motion in the glass, but the smoke formation presents a nice pattern. A scientific phenomenon frozen in time - good for science students. I do not see much photographic art in it - must be difficult to do, but does not move or inspire me like many people here.
  1. How many times you have seen a scene like this? I never did. That can be the sole reason for me to remember me this photo for a lonf time - like those NG classics! I like the vertical composistions mentioned by some - they are even more dramatic. But, this is all about absolute timing and composition decided in a split second - I would feel very happy if I would have taken this

    Blue Morning

    4 boats - 4 trees - mesmerizing image. Only problem is that there is no focal point in the image. You can try compositional improvements like framing at least one boat between 2 trees. But the mist and sun, layers of lands, trees filling up the frame - a lot going on with great effect. Bravo

    The Sharp Killer

    I wish that there were a splash of water and a fish in his/her claws - may be I am asking too much...but with your talent and technique, you can do it..Love this one

    Afterglow V

    In my honest opinion, this photograph falls way short to convey any meaning. I am guessing that the whole purpose of this photo is "to say something" - as technically this photo has so many flaws. But, even as a message, it gives mixed and haphazard indications to various emotions. Some may argue that complexity of meaning makes it a great shot; but for others, it destroys the pleasure of enjoying the photo. Sorry for being harsh, but Antonella is a great artist as evident by other works in the portfolio (as pointed out by many here) - I just did not like this one a lot beacuse of the reason that I just mentioned

    Lines of Time

    Brad: I never been in this place, but seen this shot million times. Your shot differs in color - is this natural? or you chnaged the color to make it unique...just curious
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