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Image Comments posted by arnabbanerjee

    Siberian Tiger

    This is in a zoo...is not it? I will be very surprised if it is in the wild. The wood on the right is a bit distraction and light is harsh - otherwise, I liked the expression that you captured here. Very sharp too


    A very busy picture. Also, both tigers' eyes are not visible - that impacts the interest in the image. This one is clearly not my favorite of your photos - you have some truly amazing work in your portfolio.

    <B>Misty Man</B>


    Eterneal fight against digital age continues here...but first of all, Kausik da: this is a great work. It is full of a very refreshing and different flavor than your other works - I think that you are going somewhere with your PS skill and effort.

    But I somewhat agree with Avishek that there is a huge difference in correcting a photo in PS (something similar to what Ansel Adams used to do in darkroom) and creating a photo art. Lets accept this work as a digital photo art and appreciate that way....

    Miller Lake

    I was there a few years ago - did not have all my equipments though. See a shot in my portfolio from a very similar point. Your composition is dead on - but the light condition was not very friendly. Did you use a polarizer? or Grad ND?
  1. The shape of the road is interesting, but it does not lead the eye to the ocean. Also, the use of hills on both sides to frame the ocean somehow confines the vastness. One way to improve may be to crop the right side till the first bend - or look for a different vantage point. Nevertheless, I liked the picture (otherwise would not write so much) - thanks for sharing


    Good PS work, but I will recommend not to put the divide line smack in the moddle. Also, add some more ripple...good portfolio that you have here..congrats

    Jasper NP

    Thanks Dilipda. This was actually shot from a very accessible spot - near Jasper town in Canadian Rockies. One does not have to be a mountaineer to shoot great photographs in this part of the rockies...thanks for your comment.
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