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Image Comments posted by arnabbanerjee

    Haleakala Sunrise

    Your hard work paid off. Lens flare can be easily removed in PS - I guess that in this case, you did not want to do that. I wonder why? Also, some humble suggestions - you may not want perfect exposure everywhere in the scene. In my view, that somewhat disturbs the drama (specially in these magic situations). For example, it may work better by darkening the far mountains and sky here. Also, the direct light has made the foreground a bit contrasty - I would have prefered a more subtle light there - do you have a frame when the sun was just about to rise above horizon? Anyway, this is a great shot - the way photography should be done - congrats

    Panthera pardus

    Back and rim lighting is excellent - but composition is very strong too. I love these kinds of wildlife shot where one gets a feel of habitat - you have achieved a lot of things here - congrats


    Sachin: as indicated by someone, it's missing something - that will ask viewer to think and look again. I am wondering what was your concept behind this? I have seen people to think about a concept first and then find and arrange photos to express that concept - was that your approach too?

    Balloon Show

    Not bad of a manipulation if you are a beginner - idea was very good, may be execution was short of what you wanted to achieve. But having no 1 spot with this image - lucky you! Will look forward to more polished works from you
  1. Hugo: Robert is right, say whatever you want to say. As Robert said, I was "plain wrong" - I wish that photography was that simple and there are clear right and wrong on views. Some people know everything, but you should not stop expressing yourself - by the way, Aaron is a great photographer and he gives me a lot of comments and ideas - we are good PN friends.


    Two comments: 1. I would prefer to see the whole face - the crop at the top is bit disturbing. 2. Background is too bright than the subject - can be darkened to improve more. But, this is a different shot - I like it

    Light on the rock

    Great shot. I went to Maine (N America) last month and I just had a shot like this in my mind - but could not get it. Now that I see this one - just like the one I thought. Veru wrird for me - but you have done everything right here. Congrats


    A very special image - I like to know whether any PS trick used here. It's a striking image - but somehow I felt that it's a composite of two great shots - is that so?
  2. Great details and mood - only thing that bothering me is the nearby cliff on the top right. Does it add to the composition? Somehow I feel that excluding that part from your composition would create a better balance - just a thought
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