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Image Comments posted by kevin_kolosky

  1. If you are going to show photos then show photos. If you are also going to engage in tiresome debate go elsewhere. And why show us a photo that you admit needs work. why not do the work and then show us the photo. It is supposed to be your vision and your message. Kevin

    winter #1

    Getting pretty close to pretty darn good. I know you couldn't control it, but a little bit of blue in the sky would have been nice. Perhaps the houses in the back just a hair larger. and maybe something of interest in the foreground going through the gate. Still, a nice pictorial subject. Kevin



    I know, I know, there have been many threads that say one should break all of the old fashioned rules that were made up by crusty old people who didn't have anything better to do. Well, I am a crusty old guy, and I just think you broke too may rules here. the pose is unattractive, and I just don't like the shadows one his face. However, I would add that doesn't mean this photo cannot be priceless to a parent or relative. Any photo of a kid is good. But from a fine portrait standpoint this one needs some work. Keep shooting.



  2. Ms. Powers


    I have, as you know, remarked on many of your photographs. Some of them have been what I call wonderful. this photograph is not up to your wonderful standards because of the following. If it is a "hair" shot, then it could have been done much better. Acutally, it is a beautiful shot of the hair, but the model pose for a shot of the hair is very distracting and takes away from the hair. And if it is a "Nude" then the pose is also very distracting. I know, you were experimenting with photographic technique, but you seem to have lost your usual "themes" here, and you have "denied" the viewer of "seeing" what he/she might want to see in this photo. Of course that is just my opinion, and my opinion doesn't even buy me a cup of coffee, but I can honestly say I have seen photographs of yours that I would like to own, but not this one. I don't say that just becuase this is a female and I want to see her "naked" body for a sexual reason. If this were a man I would also want to see the rest of his body as well. For want of a better explanation, I feel cheated when I don't see what I think I want to see in a photograph, and that is part of what determines whether I like it or not. Kevin




    you don't say what lens you used, but my guess would be a wide angle, which causes a distortion in size between the near and the far. this is just my humble opinion but I think the size of her legs compared to the rest of her is unattractive, as is not totally covering her public area with the hands regardless of whether she is wearing clothes there or not on this type of pose. Kevin

  3. Keith

    I like your second alternative shot alot. It keeps the scale by keeping the tree, but puts the tree at the edge so as not to be as distracting. Lighting is beautiful (nice and soft). Only problem is that "modern" orange gate. If you could get rid of that and perhaps have an real old tractor or something there is would be wonderful because it is nostalgic. Also, I would like to commend you. So many people fire off a role of 36 before dinner and never stop to consider anything. Here you are becomming contemplative. You have attempted to do things better or should I say differently. You are spending time on an image you care about. I think that is the difference between a snapshooter and a photographic artist. congratulations on that as it is alot father than 90 percent of all people who make photographs get.


  4. As I have stated so many times before in this forum, when you have backlit photographs such as sunrise and sunsets, you may have a pretty picture, but little else, due to the fact that everything in the foreground is backlit (in deep shadow), and that therefore you need to make sure that what you have in that foreground is something INTERESTING.

    Here you definitely have that. It is a wonderful photograph, and one that I am sure you and your son will cherish for a long long time. This is one for your wall. Wouldn't change a thing. kevin

  5. I don't think you came up short at all. This is a very nice graphical photograph. And the color is nice as well. I wouldn't change a thing except maybe to crop it just a bit on top. Kevin

    French Door(Nude)

    I would not crop it at all. But I would burn in the model just a tiny bit to give her a little more definition in the photograph. she is kind of hard to see back there. since you use incandescent lights, perhaps go back and shoot this and add just a tiny bit more light to her. not much. maybe a third of a stop. kevin
  6. I like the tree out front. Gives a sense of scale "the near far effect" as Ansel used to call it. Maybe move it around a little bit to see if it looks better futher back or in front of barn, but it adds scale. I also am troubled by alignment. Looks like everythings is falling over.

    Maybe a real old tractor in front???? How about black and white?????? Kevin

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