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© copyright 2001 Wes Hand

Mystic Church


Night shot with my EM. Drove past this and noticed the incredible lighting. Long time exposure at around 12:30am. The lighting shows up differently than what the eye can see, probably from intense UV.


© copyright 2001 Wes Hand

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Eastern Rite church around Pittsburgh, PA. Lighting was very dramatic

when I drove past, the shot actually came out WAY better than what I

was seeing with my eyes.

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the old squall light trick. very nice. but I wonder why you covered the church steeple with that tree. kinda ruined it. Kevin
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Thanks for the comment. Forgive me for being nieve, but not sure what a squall light is. If you are refering to the outside light that was above the tree, I certainly didn't choose it to be there. I actually LIKED the odd lighting on the tree(allbeit acentuated by the film to colors the naked eye didn't see when I was setting up). My idea at the time was to capture the erie "glow" the tree was given from that light as well as the unique building - both are of similar importance in the shot to me, hence the view of looking through the branches. This was a long time exposure at around 12:30am.
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I'd like to see this place in person. I'm familiar with Pittsburgh proper, can you give directions?
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