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Image Comments posted by kevin_kolosky

    Karen & Ted


    A nice shot, but I don't agree with the posing.

    the hand on the brides shoulder isn't a good pose for them, and you almost lost the lady in the background group. Pay a little bit more attention to detail if you can. Kevin



    In my humble opinion I do not see much here. If you are doing nudes, then do nudes. this photo has too much contrast, and is very unattractice to the model.



    Blue anemones


    I agree with everyone else. One sees alot of flower photos here on photonet, and its hard to get exceited about them. But when the quality of the work is this good its worthwhile to look.

    Beautiful color. Kevin

    Unitiled Nude #6


    for some reason color nudes just don't seem artsy

    enough and that is why your are probably not getting alot of comment. try doing some black andwhite and see what happens. kevin

    Big horn sheep

    there are alot of them there aren't there. I remember times when I had 50 or more of them at my car door. You were lucky to get close to one with fairly decent horns. Nice photo. kevin

    B&W Rose macro

    I too don't know why you felt that you needed to add the word "nude" to your caption so that people would look. This is a great shot. It is wonderful in fact. The tones are wonderful and the color of it is wonderful. Kevin

    Hey, you little...


    I would love to see this in black and white. also, I think you would have benefited from a higher camera position, and perhaps from being a bit closer to the subject. otherwise, very nice.



  1. Christopher


    Looks like I am not the only one that didn't like the hair as Carl seemed to agree with me. I am a portrait photogarpher and I like hair neat. Also, I look at alot of photographs by the great masters. You look at Weston's nudes and the hair always seems to be neat. You look at Berhard's nudes and the hair always seems to be neat. Plus, I am quite bald myself and I think if one is lucky enough to have hair one ought to keep it neat. Once again, this is a very good shot. With the hair neat it would be one I would pay money for. Kevin


    It is wonderful. May I suggest a couple of things. when you shoot models like this, try and keep them about 6 feet or more from the background and you will have better luck with the shadows. Also, when you are shooting, nitpick a little bit. Smooth out the hair before each shot. Police the area. Otherwise very very nice and very classic. Kevin
  2. One thing you might try (but practice first before you do any important shots) is to do double exposures. Make one exposure just as the sun goes down, and then the other exposure when it gets dark. You need a rock steady tripod for this. Once you get good at it you will get some pretty amazing photos though. Kevin
  3. Boy, when compared to most of your other photos you didn't get many comments on this one did you!

    I have news for you, this doesn't even come close to being as good as the photo of you lying next to your photographs after you finished mounting them and getting them ready for you show. You have deliberately left out your face in many of your photos because you want the "body" to be the art. Too bad, because your face is the best part of you and it isn't shown here. Also, you look too bony(sp) and the shadows are too harsh. Again, its disappointing when one can't see what one wants to see. Kevin

  4. If you want a real critical eye then I agree to get rid of the loop on the whip as it distracts. Hair on right side (models left) is also distracting. I always like to see faces. And for this photo I don't quite get the connection. She doesn't look like she has been whipped yet, and she doesn't look like she wants to be whipped, nor does she look like she wants to whip somebody. I think it would have been more effective if she were turned around so the back side of her was facing the viewer. Kevin


    This is the wonderful thing about photography. A photograph can be so many things to so many people. I still think the model is too dark, but I don't see it as the model being drawn irresistably to the door. Probably because she faces toward the viewer.(I wonder what feeling one would get if she were facing the other way). Because her clothes are lying there, I see it as her waiting for someone to come through those doors, and it seems like the photo loses its meaning if the clothes are cropped out. All photographs are about emotion of one type or another. And for those that draw emotion out of this photograph the way it is that is fine. But I still think that if the light were just a little bit less intense and the model just a little bit lighter this photo would evoke even more reaction, whatever those reactions might be. As I have often said, I feel cheated when I don't get to see what I want to see in a photograph. Kevin


    Once again, what a great room and set of doors. would love to have them in my house. Light is too bright. Model is too dark. This is not even close to how well you will do in the future. kevin


    Not bad for a change. Contrast is wonderful. Pose is pleasing. DOF could be a bit better, and since the eyes are the soul perhaps a little bit more fill on the dogs right eye. All in all a very nice photograph. Kevin
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