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Image Comments posted by wenger


    Clever image (since I think he's sitting not jumping). I wish he were a little sharper though and that his left hand were not cut off. This still is a funny, generally well composed image.


    I really like how this is framed by the plants (identified by the previous poster) at the bottom and the clouds up top. The reflection certainly adds some interest. The only thing that bothers me is that the subject is just a bit too centered for my taste. Otherwise nice image.

    Blue stems

    While I don't have a problem with flora photography, it is rare that I find one interesting. This one certainly is. Very nice. I do however, agree with Hanna regarding the bright spot on the bottom left. Nice work regardless.

    Making Tracks!

    This is an interesting find. One that 90% of the people with cameras around their necks would simply add their footprints to, not photograph. They'd all be making a mistake. This is interesting and well seen.


    The farmer seems to have a nice house. :-) Certainly an interesting find. I like the composition though may suggest a top down crop to just above the window. Cool find.

    Copper and Sun


    Comments appreciated. I had the hardest time getting this one to

    look good under the size requirements. Something about the sharp

    contrasting lines I guess.


    Great use of infrared film. It really accentuates the flow of the path and balances out the composition by rendering the trees a similar color as the grass. I thought this was snow when I first looked at it. Really the composition on this on is about flawless. I have some IR film in my bag that I have'nt shot yet. Waiting for summer to green everything up for me. Great work!
  1. This is an interesting take on a waterfall (or at least falling water) and suddenly "Abstraction #1" makes a lot more sense. I like the bursts of water that gave Carl the fur impression. It seems like the kind of effect you would get from the initial flow of water as opposed to a constant stream. That appears to be an awful lot of water to try to control though. I too like these much more as a series than I did seeing them individually. Either way they are certainly unique abstractions.


    Oh and congratulation... you are also my 1000th comment within Photo.net. I don't know what that means, but it's a personal milestone nonetheless.

  2. I'm sorry, but I'm going to be a voice of dissention on this one. To me the composition is rather uninteresting, and the effect gives a sloppy feel to the shot. I hope you don't find this offensive, but rather use it to understand that there are adverse opinions.



    Quite a dynamic image. The double exposure, whether intentional or not (I know from experience that this can often happen by accident), adds a lot to the image. His look makes it.


    I've added a link to this folder in my Alternative Camera Project. If you know of any others whom I should include, please let me know.


    I'm back with more... it just occured to me exactly what this is (with the help of the title) as before I was thinking it was flat and didn't understand the OOF area. It also explains the shape of the highlight. Ah ha said the blind man as he picked up his hammer and saw.
  3. What an excellent image. It is so disparate from what you typically expect a Venician image to be, and that is part of what makes it. The lines being the other part. I really like the mood, and it is brought out by the toning. Excellent work!
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