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Image Comments posted by wenger


    Sally, I need to come back and comment on your last comment again. I really think the oval light shape both must stay, and must stay at its intensity. I really believe that it is the driving factor of the +/- illusion. If I become ambitious I may try cloning it out and seeing what I see... of course it's impossible not to see once you've seen (if that makes any sense).
  1. Jeff - Thank you.


    Peter - There is not color manipulation on the hand. The color manipulation was on the banana. The screen didn't render the colors as vibrantly as I was hoping. Maybe I need to pump up the color on the hand too. Thanks!

  2. Sally, Thank you. The idea for cutting a piece of banana and have it stick out from below is great! And I don't care if you rate my stuff, I just don't put a lot of stock in ratings. Thanks again!
  3. This is an idea I came up with the other day, and is basically my first try. Do you find it interesting? Too obvious? Should I work on this further? .


    Basically the final image is a single shot and generally unmanipulated, though I did pump up the color in the banana The original banana shot was displayed on the computer screen with the other props in place. I know that ideally the lighting on the hand and arm should match better as should the scale. Title courtesy of Donovan. Thanks for your comments.


    Let's give it a few more days Liv. If you don't get it, I'm sure someone will let you in. I'm guessing from the lack of comments though that you're not the only still on the dark side.


    Thank you Sally. I was looking at this the same way. I think it is the out of focus lighting that gives that impression. Very unique. I can't believe I've been looking at this for days and couldn't figure it out. Great job PT. Interesting minimalistic approach.



    Hmmm I think I have it. Either bubble wrap or a medicine dispenser merged with a cd. The bubble/medicine holder at the center of the cd has been popped/used. The cd was desaturated everywhere except where the bubbles overlap.


    I generally like this. I think the composition gets a little busy up where the center of the cd and the bubbles merge. I like the way you handled the color, though may like a touch in the 2nd bubble down on the right. All in all a terribly creative image that nailed the theme fit.


    Liv, To clarify on one of your questions - with the long exposure (here I would guess 15-30 seconds) the moving hand never was in one place long enough to get enough light to show up on film, EXCEPT I suspect that the blurred area on the right is a result of some of the penlight light getting onto the hand while it was traveling on that side. And PT... I don't mind the hair merging, but a little seperation wouldn't hurt (I'd definitely keep it minimal though).
  4. I like this image quite a lot. I like it better in the circle folder than the broken folder as I am not really getting broken out of this one. The colors are really great, and I love the swirl effect on the wheel. The compostion seems good and yet something about it leaves me a little unsettled. Regardless, and excellent start to the new month.

    My Love

    Thank you Jos. That look in her eyes... well it was effective enough to get me to marry her. This was very early in our relationship, and we later went back to the same place to get engaged. With regard to the crop... I do have a little more hand on the negative, but was affraid of squaring it up too much as it's already been cropped on the sides. Maybe I need to rethink that. Ivo, I'll have to give it a try and re-upload. Thanks for the comment.



    This is an interesting image. It has a Seven-like visual pun quality. It took some time to get my mind around this one. I don't believe those are bricks, but rather a metal screen of some sort. What was really perplexing was the apparent lack of a full circle shadow. How could that sliver of metal(?) on the left edge hide a full circle? Well it couldn't. My hypothesis on the construction of that object is attached. I believe the photo would be of the middle left circle while the shadow is being cast by the top half circle and its neighbor. Just my guess cause it's the only way I could make this make sense. The title is throwing me for a loop also (pun not intended). All in all I enjoy this type of image (as you may have guessed). The contrast in textures and tonal qualities is very pleasing and that is compounded by the puzzle that this image is. Either that or it's all photoshopped with which my enjoyment level drops substantially.



    Yea, the space (or lack thereof) in front of his head is distracting. I wonder what you were trying to eliminate and whether there would have been a better way. Of course the highlights are too hot as previously mentioned also.
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