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Image Comments posted by wenger


    I really love the textures and colors you've captured here. Even before reading your Critique Request the first thing that hit me was that there was too much on the bottom left. I don't think I'd mind a litte bit to help define the area. To me (next to the pattern of the tea plants themselves) the path is the subject of this scene. Instead of focusing on how to crop this, because you have plenty of suggestions on that (some very good IMO), I would say if you have the opportunity to shoot here again I'd shoot from the curve in the path that we see to the bottom right putting the viewer firmly onto the path and more into the image. Regardless this is a very nice shot.


    I like the strong white line, but I too find myself wishing it were untitled. The ashes(?), especially the one to the left of the holder really bothers me. It was the first thing I saw. I do like the colors and the composition.
  1. This is a wonderful image. The teacher almost appears to be floating on air. The composition is very nice. I was playing with a square crop from the bottom, but it starts to become to rigid. What if you burn in the lower distractions? Really nice work regardless.

    Chained Up


    Does toning this detract from it's monochromactic impact by making

    it appear too close the color that you would expect this object to

    be? (Sorry for the repeated CR - I deleted the last one by mistake

    trying to edit it.)



    Sorry Dominique... though I would love to claim credit for this one (because I love it) it is not mine. The new crop is much better... while the stool had an interesting pattern, the image is much stonger without it. It looks like you used an incandecent to light the man and maybe a led light for the swirls. I also suspect that this was done with the light source in hand (not from a string) becuase the circles are not uniform enough (which fits the theme better). Real nice work PT.


    By the way, I have found this to be the toughest assignment yet. Good thing "circles" was so easy.


    Tom - For the reasons you like this one, I like this one: the beaded hair going off attractively toward the corner, the general composition, the colors, and the water that seems to defy gravity (maybe there's a little Burt Lancaster down there ala "Moses"). The lighting is fine to me. What bothers me is that darn grimmace. I don't mind the shut eyes, I just wish she had a more relaxed look.

    Sunnyside Down


    Thanks Sally, I do like my food. And you are right, for eggs sunnyside up I do use toast and bacon like edible utensils.


    Michael - this floor was actually my inspiration.


    Tom - Yea, I wish the radiator weren't there at all. To tell you the truth I'm not sure the lens I put down was actually the lens I used. I have a new wide angle zoom that I haven't added to my lens profile yet. I need to download my shooting record, but I think that was on at the time.


    I also forgot to mention that if the toilet were eliminated it would make the title much less fun.


    I too like the composition. I also like the way you were able to let one of the wires fall onto the edge of the gray area. It helps with keeping the image from getting too busy.


    I was thinking about this one some more. I like both Marc and Doug's crops more than any other version (original included) posted previously. Each of the two crops seems to make the same point, but uses different ways of getting there. Marc's crop to me speaks stronger to the isolation by showing the remoteness of the location. She is in the single place she could truly be alone with minimal risk of outside contact. Doug's crop makes more of a point that "her back is against the wall". The isolation is still there, but it feels to me to be a more entrapped isolation than a self imposed isolation. A glimpse to the outside world is offered, but the walls are overbearing. Very interesting indeed. I won't tell which I like more.


    While I can't say I'm enamored by Blagoy's suggestions, I think he is on the right track in that something else would help this shot and offer a focal point. Now your eye gets led down the tunnel to the end, and is left unrewarded for the journey. It is definitely not a Slinky or anything of the sort because the rings are in fact rings rather than spirals (making it fit the theme) unlike a Slinky. Maybe one of those containers that can compress to any size? Some form of bellows?
  2. Thanks Joel. Even this man wouldn't go near that sandwich. It is in fact peanut butter, but what I think is a product of the 70's, chunky peanut butter. This kind has bits of peanuts mixed in and is quite good, but gets stuck in your teeth.


    I'd like to thank those commenters before me who have made this thread such a joy to read from an educational perspective. This is why you will often see Brian M. commenting on how the thread on an image belongs to the Photo.net community, and why I believe Photo.net is such a valuable asset. I can see myself rushing to crop this like one of the earlier versions and not taking into account the full impact of what may at first appear to be distractions. This is a very poignant image that deserves the attention it has gotten. I'm happy I was fortunate enough to stumble upon it.
  3. ... well it looks like a fair ride. Both this one and your other one are unique in regards to the genre (at least from what I've seen of it). This one has more depth and layers than most I've seen. The other has a tie-dye feeling to it. Both are more than just a jumbled bunch of lights. The title is funny also.
  4. This is the best ballon picture I've ever seen. Really great stuff. When you comprehend the split second timing that you needed with regard to the shutter release to get such perfect composition, it is remarkable. I love the way the lines of the balloon contrast with the lines of the field. I like the apparent wind (though this may be an illusion) as evidenced by the spent grains. I like the tree line because the green trees and the gold field echo in a more subdued tone the colors of the balloon. Really great stuff!
  5. I like the composition and the silky smooth texture from the water. The reflected lighting is also nice. What I like the most however is the intrusion of the pavement(?) in the upper right corner. Original.
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