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Image Comments posted by wenger

  1. PT... To help you along... Peter enhanced your photo with a photo from a previous assignment. The image was of a certain PT's girlfriend. The PT commented within your thread regarding his GF showing up online again (absynthe PT - I hope this is not a recurring problem ... if it is, please send me a link... eh hem). So as not to give away his identity PT commented within your image as PT, but then clarified that he actually was the Absynthe PT. Got it? Glad I could help.


    Oh and Peter... thanks for the plug.

  2. I like the compostion of this one. The diagonal tiles offer an interesting background for a somewhat surreal image. The highlight on the green part of the flower is a touch hot, but otherwise nice. Good thing no one was feeling devilish enough to give you a little bump from behind...
  3. I played with left and bottom crops and neither seemed to substantially alleviate the messy feeling. The whole scene does offer me a Victorian imagery, so if that's what you were going for, it worked. I think a step or two to the right might have helped. I think this because the finely manicured area just above the fountain to the right doesn't seem to fit the image, and neither do the vapor trails. Taking the step or two and turning to the left may also render the whole sky white which I think would work better than leaving just that small portion blue.

    Chained Up

    Well regarding Photoshopping, this is one that I'd like to be able to print in my darkroom (so far it's just a negative scan). Some of the suggestions I can accomplish, some I can't. I'll bear in mind the ones that I can when I go to print. Thanks again.



    I am certain I recognize this style. A damn good imitation if I'm wrong.


    I'm sure there is some deeper meaning behind the missing (pinged) ball. I am guessing there is also a reason why the rows before and after the missing ball are not lined up perfectly. I cannot guess at either. What I find most perplexing is the shadow of the front ball. It leads me to believe that the balls are resting on a peak of some kind, which also may have some deeper meaning. I really like this for its simplicity and complexity all in one. Nice work PT.

    Chained Up

    Thanks for the comments. I really thought too that this is a subject best shot straight on. Too bad I don't have it perfectly symetrical. I lined up the chain (since that was my focus), but should have lined up the grate. Do you think a top down crop would aleviate the soft foreground issue without comprimising the composition?


    I agree with Tom. The text is overdoing it. The toning is interesting. It looks like a color shot that has then had toning added. I think I'd have liked to have seen this image light painted.


    Hmm... getting birds in your bathtub sounds like a daunting task. I find the ripples to be very well defined. Better than I'd have expected possible from the appearance of the surroundings. I like the idea of the fish. Something to break up the scene a little and give it some color, and of course a fish works with the rest of the subject. It's a cute image, and if that's what you were going for, I think it's fine the way it is.


    I don't know about the color version. These shiny metal type things always look so much more interesting in B&W. I also find the composition intriguing. Somehow this one manages to catch my eye immediately when I am looking at the whole folder. The way it's composed it almost gives one the impression of a bunch of fruit or a flower. To me this is one that makes your original collection of photographs YOUR original collection of photographs simply because most people wouldn't shoot this the way YOU did.


    If your question is whether you should "center" the subject more, I would say no. As it is the tiger is all in the shot (you may give a little more space in the front). The general composition is good though.
  4. I'm going to go against what a few have said and claim that I like the eyes a little off kilter. If it were squared up it would look too staged. The way it is it looks like you just stole a glimpse into evil itself and must turn away before totally under its spell. Very powerful image. Well done.

    Red Dress

    The state of affairs on PN may require her to take her clothes of to gain a lot of comments/ratings. Not that I mind seeing a naked chick every now and again, but I don't know if she could have been captured any better than this. Her inner beauty, self confidence and good nature come through in this photograph. A very pretty model indeed who has been captured beautifuly by a skilled photographer.


    Nice natural expression. Looks like she's having fun. The skin tones are nice and I like the contrast throughout. I wish her eyes weren't quite so dark though.


    Great idea, and as was mentioned previously, immediately recognisable. I'm not sure I am crazy about the other building being out of focus, but I love the perspective. Bar's idea isn't bad either if you were to make it a triptych.
  5. While I like this very much to look at, and the sky was what drew me in, I'm not sure it's not a touch over-done. I guess its the whispy clouds that make it SO bright. Really a beatiful photograph in a beautiful portfolio.
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