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Image Comments posted by wenger



    I guess it would be cruel to simply tell you it was a car? ... In fact it is the roof of a car in the foreground and the wall of a parking garage (that has many holes in it) in the backgroud. The holes are reflected onto the roof of the car.


    Thank you each for your comments. I'm glad you liked it.

  1. I counted them out on my fingers. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet, yup that's seven. Great idea for the theme PT, it is after all so much of what photography is about!


    I've seen quite a few of these shots of cds. You've done a fine job here of producing a lot of color throughout the whole shot. I like the texture on the center area and think it helps the shot a lot. It almost looks like an eye. I could use a little more of something though. It looks cool at first, but doesn't have enough to hold my long term interest (though it may grow on me). I also wish the title wasn't such a give-away as to the theme fit. Great idea though PT.



    Yes, that is what I interpreted from this also PT, so your point was made.


    Sally, and any others who may be struggling with this assignment, I would suggest disassociating the assignment from the person. Though the first entries have gone deeper, there is no reason you can't look at the word "seven" and shoot what comes to mind.



    Watch out PT, this looks like a conceptual shot sneaking into the "trigger" folder. Something not looked upon too fondly as I've found out myself. Personally, I don't mind the broader interpretations, but be forwarned...


    I think I recognize the style and the interpretation here, and am trying to like the shot. In the end though, I just don't find anything intriguing enough in this old carcass to really pull me in. My personal creativity has been a bit stifled by all of the changes going on in my life, and am finding it hard to even make a suggestion for improvement. This of course is more a problem of mine than yours. I would say that I think if the tire (or tyre as you may say) may need to take a little more prominence if it is to be the subject of the shot as hinted by the title. That said, seeing more of the tire wouldn't really do much for me either. I do like the toning, and could see this working as part of a series, but alone leaves me a bit flat (pardon the pun).


    Yes, interesting idea PT. Without showing the food each of us automatically has some kind of preconception as to what the food would be. The coffee cup kind of blew it for my dinner though... beer or wine glass... now we're getting somewhere. So maybe the coffee may be more appropriate for the breakfast shot. Of course I have a weekend with my buds planned, so it is quite likely we'll be drinking beer for breakfast!

    damn bugs!


    Well I'm certain that the bugs are not made to look real or lifelike. They have an almost Disney-Theme-Park-ride-esque look to me. So we are dealing with some sort of dream state or fairy tale. Is that caviar in the center? If it is or if it isn't, what relationship do these bugs have to it?


    I don't like the way the cross hatch effect was carried onto the insects. While I don't really see the need for it at all (except to maybe distance the bugs from their background), I especially don't see the need for the effect on the bugs. Compositionally this is strange, but I don't mind that it is so left hand heavy. I think you have a potentially worthwhile idea here PT. But in the end I agree with the others that there is something keeping this from being a truly creative an captivating piece.



    I wish I could see a little more detail so that I would know if the fork and knife were engraved "fork" & "knife". I wonder about this challenged PT who needs the contents of their servingware spelled out to them.


    I find this a strange shot in that the napkin and the utensils indicate that the meal is complete, but the plate is so clean... Eaten every last bit have you PT? What I guess I find most interesting is the complete lack of food in each of these images. No doubt that food is an integral part of the subject matter however. Interesting work PT. Where's lunch?

    five to one

    Theme fit is excellent for me. This is a picture of power. It really reminds me of something out of the protest marches of the 70's. The power of a fist is much stronger and more threatening than the danger imposed by any single finger. I'm not sure how the wedding band fits into this message though. All in all I like the shot and especially like the glow of the skin. Nice work PT.



    Yes, I too am confused by the symmetry (or lack thereof) in this one. I'm sure PT will enlighten us in due time.


    With that said, I am somewhat intrigued by this photograph. Could PT tell me what was used for the lovely sharp yet soft look in the portrait?

  2. Nice work PT. It goes well with your other studies of the same subject (unless someone is setting me up here). Symmetry - YES. Colors intriguing. And believe it or not... PT could have done this one on film without the computer. I magically undid PTs "manipulation". The water drops add great texture!

  3. I don't think it's a doorknob. The center part is too light. Mabe the top to a decanter or something like that. I would guess the upper left spray of light is just the refraction from the crystal itself. What I find interesting is PTs ability to control the beams of light coming from the upper right. Those three distinct beams are interesting and commendable. I'm not sure about the structure on the upper right. Seeing more or none of it may be better and there is perhaps a bit too much dead space in the upper left. All in all it's a pretty good shot of a tough subject though.
  4. Judging by the size of the rice, that is a pretty small prawn. All of which explains the DOF issue. That said, I really wish there were a bit more DOF, especially in the front. Though I would guess the strong yellow cast is the result of saffron or tumeric, and though I do like yellow, it's not working forr me her. While I think the theme fit is good, it hasn't really whet my appetite for more of the same.
  5. I too was sure I knew who's creative handywork this was. We've seen a similar gun in a certain personal portfolio.


    I too like the way the elements fit together. The symmetry makes sense. It would not have been required to be staged simply for the sake of symmetry itself. The mirror belongs. You may have been able to make it a touch more symmetrical by straightening up the near edge of the "coke". Though never giving into this vice, I've seen plenty, and I'd say that is a mighty big line. I think a more realistic pile would also help with the symmetry by eliminating the lower edge that I already refered to. The other thing that bothers me some is how the gun is positioned. I know you were going for the most dynamic composition with the sight straight up, but it is a sure give away that this is a setup. The rest of the gun had to be hanging awkwardly off the edge of the mirror and most likely stabalized in some way.


    All in all I like the shot, and especially like the creativity and the statement.

    Blue Train

    Joe, thanks for the comments. The light is sharp on my slide, I think web viewing has gotten the better of this. I agree about the wanting something more issue. This was one that I had passed up previously and recently decided to upload after a second look. I think one of the main problems is two subjects neither of which are strong enough on their own. Some puffy clouds may help, but that would be another subject. Kinda cool as a whole, but no real defined subject. Thanks again for the comment. I truly appreciate it when people take the time to respond with honesty.
  6. Well PT, comments have been light here. I'm not sure I can add a ton, but I'll try my best. With regard to your idea... um I guess I will applaud you for coming up with a way of creating a symmetrical image without simply mirroring in PS. However, the only reason I know that this was done is because PT told me so, then I looked harder and saw the results. I think for this to work *gasp, I can't believe I'm saying it* the PS techniques needed to be more heavy handed. The problem that you would run into then becomes balance. My favorite part of this one: the shadows going back across the grain of the main leaves.


    This is my favorite of the folder so far. I'm quite sure that the impact here is much greater than it would have been had it not been inverted (good eye Dominique). I think I'd prefer the second half of the license (the right mirrored half) to be simply a reitteration of the left half. As it is, it gives too much of a PSed feel as a result of such a prominent part of the image being so obviously altered. I think I also would prefer a desaturation in the license plate. It would make the license less of a focus which I think is appropriate with the strong graphics in the rest of the image. Real nice work PT.
  7. Actually when I mentioned a series, I was thinking of several unrecognizable (or barely recognizable) images with the same bold colors. I'm not sure a series of this same item holds as much interest as that would.
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