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Image Comments posted by wenger

    Look up!

    I like the different meanings of "up" in this. To the children, mom is up, to the mom the man on the stilts is up, to all of them the ballon will soon be up. Clever.

    Grand Piano


    It occured to me how difficult this must be to play, and if the strings sound any different being bent like that. ;-)


    I think I may like this a little better if the music holder(?) were removed giving more clean sharp keys.

    Sunnyside Down


    Heather - First let me say thank you for your added critique. I think you make some good points. Yes, it is a radiator.


    Second, I understood your first comment, and did not find it offensive. I'm sure the critique I offered one of your images conveyed that there were no hard feelings.


    Now the not fun stuff: I actually had already seen Mark's comment on your image. I decided to forward him an email trying to convey that I did not support his position and suggest in the future he refrain from prompting these type of flame wars. I would also suggest to you however, that a response to his comments should have been made through email or within your portfolio, not mine, especially since his outrage seemed more fueled by your comment on his photo than mine. Frankly, I don't really care, and you can leave it up if you wish. But I will give you the same advice I gave him. Very little can be gained through this type of melee. So what's the point?

  1. When I looked at this in the thumbnail I really thought it was a manipulated image. I was pleasantly surprised looking at the the large view where it became obvious that this was a straight shot. The crispness of the colors and the sharpness of the image are surprising for a reflection shot. The circular ripples and their placement on this otherwise glass-like surface make this. Very nice work.

    The Temple

    What a magnificantly complex image!! It took me a long time of looking at it to understand what I was looking at. I love the title because it aids in the illusion. The railing really also helps with the illusion. I love the symetry, the contrast, everything. Really great work. I also enjoyed your B&W portraiture work quite a bit. You are getting a very rare 7/7 from me and it is well deserved.

    Sunnyside Down


    Thanks for the comments so far. More from me later.


    Stephane - I'm curious why you think more of the toilet would be better? Also why not include it at all? I'd like to hear more.

  2. I like the juxtoposition of the police and the harmless shopper. I do wish the police were either; a) in a more guarded and serious position or b) having some interaction (eye contact) with the woman. My natural reaction looking at the picture was that the woman should not be so centered, but really I don't know how much it bothers me. As said above a little more contrast would help as would a little sharpness. Also this upload is a little too big. The recommended size is at most 800 pixels wide. I had to look at the small view in order to ascertain the overall composition.
  3. After getting past the "Ohhh" on this one, my next reaction was that the colors clash. But then one of the other favorite parts of this image for me is the way the memorial is represenative of the sun (I wish there were some of the lighter sky tones balanced out on the left also). So if the memorial has the colors of the sun, how much could it possibly clash with the colors of the sky?


    I don't mind the composition/horizon, but expect Thomas' suggestion could only help. I enjoy seeing your take on a subject that is so different from what everyone has come to know you for.


    Where does one find a room like this? What a fun space to play with. Walls and floor all match and the space is so small. Filling this space with this obscure table(?) was brilliant. I think I may like a little less space in front though. Well done regardless.

    Grand Piano


    Michael - I have been struggling with my stance on PSed work. I think the answer is that I like it when the PS work is an expression of the artists vision and not simply the result of canned filters and warps.


    This particular piece I find intriguing. While I'm not sure how much of this is the result of work in PS and how much PS did on it's own, there is a definite artist's vision that comes through. What I like most about this is the way you seperated the keyboard from the inner workings of the piano. I feel that you found the perfect subject for the implementation of this effect. Anything like this I see in the future I will be comparing to this image.

  4. Vincent, not 1/2 an hour ago I was on this image of yours (and several others) trying to come up with a critique. Frankly your work is very hard from me to critique and not just give you "ohhs and ahhs". I thank you very much for your input. I am learning the very point that you speak of. This particular shot would not have benefited from the sky as there is a large cliff behind this part of town. I am attaching an image of a scene just up the street. A little more light on the buildings certainly would have helped though. Also, I was only there one night, so I had to work my photography into a short vacation schedule. Thanks for your comments. They are appreciated.

  5. It looks like the fish is saying "Damn, I'm late for the dinner party". This is a creative idea and I like the overall composition generally but don't quite feel the sense of congruence. While seafood and human skeletons don't have an obvious link, Jim's example makes it work due to the dream state. Regardless I think this is an original piece of work that gives some immediate enjoyment, but that enjoyment for me at least was somewhat tenuous.
  6. Right at the peak of the action!! I agree that the full crop is better. While I wasn't able to assertain where he was headed, I think his feet ground the image. I don't even mind that the worker is out of focus. Somehow he take on more of a motion blur effect than an out of focus effect. He must be faster than the cars I guess. I also like B&W quite a bit, but am happy to view this in color. You may try playing with the saturation and tone it down a little though. Nice work.
  7. Finding the right things to do multiple exposure on is very tricky. Your studies have found the right subjects and are very well done. On this one, I think I would like a little more motion in the leaves. Maybe more leaves. now they seem a bit to static to give an appropriate feeling for the music. Nice work regardless.
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