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Image Comments posted by giuseppe_miriello1

    Bull vs. Man**

    In your portfolio i have seen many intimate and many action moments... i pick this image to represent them all. The story is all there, developing with great dynamism into the frame, there are colors that help conveying the message, yes, but also it is to notice that both subjects are placed on a plain background that helps isolating them AND in this case the photographer choose to use colors to his advantage, since the green and the black contrast beautifully and gives the human a good detach from his attacker (or is the other way around? - you choose).
  1. that's a *fine* lens... i also have my preferencies when it comes to lenses, for 90% of the time i am using a sigma 24-70 f2.8 which is a good compromise between wide angle ability, image quality, flexibility - you can go from panoramic to portraiture with just one 2.8 lens - and *not less* price.


    The other lens is a nikkor 135mm f2.8 full manual, this too 20 years old, gift from an old photographer pal, which is my choice for any kind of portraiture, but i used it also to make fine architectural details


    about shallow focus... i agree with you, with a twist: eyes focuses only on bit of image at a time and jump here and there to read it, when we shoot a photograph we have the choice to *force* them to jump more on an area of the photograph, generally the most focused one... so we can enforce messages that in real life dont get through. Also eyes scan out of focus areas, and brain gets background from that view, so we can force brain to contestualize a detail.


    what above is both the strong and the weak point of shallow focus images... they can helps to concentrate to a subject and place it into a background story (good), it requires an attentive choice of subject and background to make this work (good but difficult for us photographers), it also require a sharp mind on the other side to get the story (bad, becouse this time the all-sharp geeks are the majority).

  2. nice image, sad history. by the way i prefer not having much white space at right... but there was no other way to include the lamp (which gives also a time frame due to its shape), and also cleanless is enforced by the white wall, so the white has to be there after all... excellent photograph

    Night train II

    key 3 - dynamism... that's the image that depicts it beautifully.... the horizontal lines are going against the sense of motion of the train, adding a more prominent plain of motion respect to it... i guess you deliberately waited for the train to pass and moved the camera in the first glimpses of a long exposure. if it is so, well, that is very very clever.


    The first key of your work, it seems to me, is the attention to geometrical composition. You are very very clever at that, i found it expecially looking rome's and sicily's portfolio, but also in this shot it come out very neatly. The image itself obviously is great, most p-netters probably dont' fall in love with old looking grainy b/w images becouse once they have tasted the digital venom they can never go back... but with this one, through the use of an uncommon geometric pattern, and playing with light and shadows, you created a very romantic and moody image. Probably a bit more of contrast while printing would help it a while (this is a print scan isnt it?), but the image stands on its own.
  3. key 2 in your work - to me - is the extreme attention to details, and the accurate use of depth of field to describe concepts, images, memories... the image works extremely well becouse of the finger pointing (a belt?) to something reminiscent the former URSS state, but the key of the image is out of focus, and is the old style ship... and it is right to have it out of focus, becouse we are talking abt memories, of something gone. To me this is great concept and image.


    very nice image overally, i guess it has a bit too contrast between the white coloumns on the left and the arcade above.. probably shooting at different time of the days could provide you the right light setup to render this place beautifully... also you cold concentrate con the repetition of arches on the left which is very appealing, provided a proper light.
  4. very nice and clean image Fernand... i like the sky is almost black (red filter?) so that it contrast beautifully with the white pathways. Also very nice set up of the vertical wall on the right that leaves the frame ontouched for the diagonal wall to kick in. 6/6


    Nice image darek... very well composed and with a nice soft effect that makes it almost dreamy... i love the lack of contrast here.
  5. nice portrait monia, i like it, i guess that it is just a bit to yellow for my tastes (but many times lateral light e/o golden reflectors give too yellow images)... also i like hands going out of focus gradually but eyes are out of focus either... i would have preferred eyes on focus... overally a very nice image but with margins of improvement.


    WOW... this is very nice Carl, the best reflection i have see from you into quite a time (and i have seen many). I am attracted more by the left side of the frame, probably becouse of the more prominent distortion, but also a tight crop on the right lower crossing between red lines would be very very intresting.


    classic and well done, probably a bit overcontrasted but it might be just my tastes, i would have preferred the girl remaining a bit more out of center to add dynamism.. anyway it is a nice 6/6 to me


    un buon inizio su pn... questa secondo me 蠬a migliore... anche tagliata quadrata andrebbe bene... l'unico difetto 蠵n po di mosso sul pelo, ma con i gatti - si sa - 蠤ifficile... ciao


    Ciao Pino.... ho dato un'occhiata al tuo portfolio e questa immagine mi 蠰iaciuta particolarmente, soprattutto perch蠬a texture 蠭olto ben integrata con la pelle e l'effetto 蠡bbastanza "naturale" pur rimanendo surprendente.


    extremely well executed, i like the blur in background and the perspective effect. Sometimes photography helps to detach by a dramatic situation by looking the compositional and technical elements. this is not the case, i am deeply touched.
  6. nice idea but it lacks a bit of human touch or presence and there is a slight tilt on le left which is annoying. I appreciate the sky isn't white out but the left house gets really overexposed... it would have been better to wait for the sun to go lower to have a more even exposure of the frame. Very nice the idea of a full frontal perspective using the walls, i guess the image can be reeshoted and you can achieve a far better result. This way, even if i like the image itself, it doesnt goes beyond 5/5 to me.


    I really like this image, the sense of joy it transmit. I like also the blurred hand on the left, it connects who look the picture to the kids.


    absolutely a great image... the background is perfect for the action, did you freeze the action using a flash? how powerful? at what time of the day was shoot the image to balance the flash illumination? the light on the 2 balls seems a bit odd, like light is coming from 2 different sides, used 2 flashes? i am really curious about how the image has been realized.


    very nice pulok, i like the vortex effect and i find that placing a dark triangule above you made the image more appealing, i would eliminate the lower right blue feature anyway.
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