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Image Comments posted by giuseppe_miriello1

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    well if possible i would have made it even more asymmetric - provided that the asymmetry could be exploited by adding a bit of more light in close foreground so to feel perspective even more... i like the idea that having the light close to frame's end, the image would have been even stronger... not only the light is the end of a dark tunnel, but also the end of the frame, the end of the reading of this picture.
  1. probably you are right: he composed without the woman and then, as she popped into the frame, he decided to shot... anyway i don't think wilson would have posted the image without a woman anyway, he too would have realized that the frame is too "void" without some secondary point of attraction other than the pond.... also he would have realized exactly what you pointed out, the reflection was too small, perspective lines were really different into the reflection... the image would have had less impact.


    it is not a bad idea, it is a really good one in fact... keeping the shutter open and the moving camera and zoom produces often very nice effects... i wonder how come few people have stopped by giving the image the credit it deserves... in my opinion it is not a top score, but it is surely original, and aestetically well done.


    nice, well realized, probably it miss a strong element above all the sheep, a strong action of one of them, something that makes the image pop, but aside that, is equilibred, well exposed and the composition is good.
  2. i guess the water is the key element of the image... all the picture above the water in fact, is playing with warm tones, it gives a deep sense of heat. if you put the water into account then you have a clashing subject... a hot place that anyway affords itself to leave the water be lost, flowing on the ground...


    technicaly is a great image, as many from wilson, and water reflections and contrasting color tones are one of his favourite and recurring subjects, look at this one from him as example.


    less recurring but still part of his style is the human subject. we can say that he prediliges humans doing visible strong actions, and this picture confirms his style... the out of focus human gives dynamism to the scene, also concurring to the sense of hot and fatigue that the uppert part of the frame would convey without water.


    I dont' think this will sparkle another discussion over manipulation, expecially becouse he clearly states in image's details that mixed up details obtained from braketings, very much like hdr images, but done manually - and to me this is a plus. After all a photographer had the purpose to render the image as his eyes saw it, it is not unnatural looking, nor the effect is evident or overdone, and i don't think we would have known it if he hadn't stated the tecnique used into image's detail.


    a great capture, a good choice for pow.

  3. ahh now i get it... i should have got it immediately since my work is IT... but the point is i was thinking about a monitor switch.. so to change the visualization peripheral for test purposes.
  4. you are right abt the final print issue.... in effect i am having problems too in printing since printers has 6 inkes and photoshop manages 4... i guess a proper monitor calibration to the printer (or vice versa) would be needed... instead the "router" is something i have never seen... it is a software, an hardware? how much does it help real world terms (non web viewing?).... take care


    textures are made of repeating light and shadows, and so the image fits very well to the theme as it also offer repeating shadows of bottles... i like the way the canvas seems quite horizontal, white the bottles seem distorted. Making it B/W you are deprivating us of color informations, so you are also forcing us to focus on textures, that's good.


    i agree on the selective focus issue... while it is nice to have the texture drive into the center like 2 concentric rings on left and right of the inner spot, it is also true that the defocus at borders doesn't help me much concentrating on the image... also the image looks a little flat - probably due to the monochromy of the object taken, but also becouse maybe a more angled and hard light whould have improved shadows giving a deeper texture rendering.

    Somehow Different

    I got your point, plus, now i understand why the coloured one is so at right: for the same reason... i though it was too much on right, but my eyes still found the odd placement appealing: they started to scan the image from the right (colour) tried to go on left and then fallback to the color umbrella... after all keeping low profile doesn't make you vanish.
  5. great ir shot, sondra... probably the plant at low left corner diminish a bit the simmetry of reflection, but it could also help unbalance the image a little, which would not be so bad... all the rest works just fine.

    Somehow Different

    hi laszlo, great image.... i like this one much more than the one without the coloured umbrella... becouse this is more illustrative of the concept of one being different from the others.... technically i would only add that colors on the umbrella doesnt' seem too saturated, but i would have preferred the umbrella standing a bit more over the crowd. Plus i have a curiosity... how did you manage to find such amount of umbrellas? and how did you manage to illuminate them all alltogether?
  6. very nice image, i would opt for a more decise square crop to evidence just hairs and kid's face hiding behind them, the right part of the frame is mostly adding void space that doesnt help much conveying the message... otherwise well done
  7. hi carl... between the 2 shots you posted lately, this one is what i believe being more abstract.... i guess the black band diminish the effect of repeating windows, each with its own difference; also the image seems a bit dark into the highlights.



    this is a strange image. i can't get if is a blur effect or a in-camera defocus, but the idea is fine... the girl seems almost artificial, like a doll. the only thing that doesnt work is the black feature just above her sholder that is almos too in focus and visible, and diminish the nice all-blur effect


    sad but really clean image... i like the shallow dof that concentrates on the bloodshed while the corrida is just hint by seeing horns, red flag, and torero in background.... a good documentary shot.


    nice, it makes a 6/5 for me, but i guess it could be improved by playing more with dof (more dof - less dof - see what happens) and also with different point of view... (what if we close on the pencils? what if couch on the ground more than this? and if we make a hole and isolate pencils against sand and sky?)... try try try - this situation is worth investigating.

    smoking guy

    nice image ying... the nice thing here is that the guy and the shop look occitendl at a first glance, then you notice this is far east (through reflections mainly), and there is an implicit distance from east and west, suggested also by the pose of the guy. well done.
  8. the concept is nice, the execution can be improved. the main problems come from the blurry but still too readable background (plain background would be better): the left side of the lamp is less readable due to the background. Also the "drink" idea is suggested by putting a lightbulb into a bottle, but this is just a hint... you should show more of the bottle, and for the sake of "energy" the lightboulb should be lit... it is not that difficult as you may think.. i do some nice still life with just one handheld flash, and here is a site that tells you all the nasty secret of flash light and still life: http://strobist.blogspot.com/


    bella, forse un po estrema. Il difetto che che sembra tratta da un fumetto italiano, ma mancano i personaggi... io considererei aggiungere l'elemento umano, e potresti raccontare intere storie a strisce.

    Evolution II


    the first thing i noticed by browsing your portfolio is the synthesis many images convey - this should be considered a minimum requirement for any professional, but it is also something that every serious amateur should consider to learn immediately, preferably using b/w.


    b/w - and this image is a clear example - has the ability to force the photographer to focus on the message: there are no colors to bring up to life an image without meaning. No that an image must always have an immediately recognizable meaning, but if you want to concentrate in conveying messages this could be an intresting exercise.


    i note also how the girl looks like "lara croft" seen in silhouette, it is an immediately recognizable figure for all youngs and this can wake up some lazy mind, but i note also that there is a clear relationship between both silhouettes, becouse even this way it is clear the woman is rotating the head on her right, looking the fish.

  9. key 2 is the ability to tell a story, immediately and without words. The image might night some time to be "digested" by onlookers, but in the end it works beautifully.... the shallow DOF creates 2 separate "moments" into the image.... the sudden death of the animal, and (in the future, into the distance) the car closing by, suggesting that this story is going on again and again and again.


    again, this is a minimun requirement for professionals, but anyone who love to take pictures and aim to communicate concepts, should really considering this image as a case study.

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