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Image Comments posted by giuseppe_miriello1

  1. nice image, if i give you 7/7 could you please give me girl's phone number??? - just joking.. I generally don't go crazy for nudes, but this one has the undoubt plus of an original crop at the top... the way you can see girl's head cropped down and hairs going down is really classy... the bottom part of the frame reminds me this is mostly an erotic shot anyway... but the image would work even with the bottom cropped as a very classy glamour.


    bello scatto, ma molto angolato e con un obiettivo troppo lungo e/o un diaframma troppo aperto, o entrambi. L'idea migliore sarebbe questa: lascia che il pavone ti si avvicini rimanendo fermo, usa un obiettivo corto (io ho usato un 24-70 x la stessa immagine) e chiudi il diaframma (eventualmente setta la macchina su iso 400 o 600, tanto in luce diurna la grana non si vede). Eventualmente, per fare risaltare di pi� la coda usa un flash (ma dovresti avere l'accortezza di tenerlo separato dalla macchina fotografica).... potresti comunque recuperare molto da questo scatto con un taglio quadrato sulla destra del becco del pavone.
  2. the starting idea of creating an high contrast perspective is a very good one, also the perspective here is very interesting, stopping with a sudden wall... there are several flaws stopping the image from being a top score... in the order:


    1. the light is too harsh, but worse than that is coming from behind the subject obliterating significantly the textures on the walls. since the location seems to miss the roof, then you could try shooting at midday, with the light coming from up thus very lateral respect the textures... walls should look great! either you could try a cloudy day, it lowers the contrast and brings up the textures, then you postprocess with photoshop at will.

    2. the subject has too much contrast... the floor is too dark while the walls are too bright. this would be good for an high contrast image, but the contrast is soo much the image looks of difficult readability.

    3. the crop is too wide... i would concentrate on a tigher crop on the arches... of course this would tell less about being in a mosque... but probably there are hundreds of way to depict a mosquee itself so this image should definitely go for an high-contrast, high-detail architectural closeup... if you want to remeber your audience that this building is not european-style, just add the top of the arches into the image, arches topping with a cuspid are trade-mark of oriental architecture.


    said that, i hope you dont feel i am understimating the image, far from that i appreciate it, but i feel there are many margins of improvements.


    kindest regards


    Pride and Dignity

    nice image, just a bit of underexposure on the right, expecially his face has a luminosity that is too close to the one of his clothing... it adds a sense of old to his figure, but the image would probaly look a bit better with a selective (and very light) dodge on his face's medium and shadows. All the rest works great.


    nice image, quite supernatural, like it was shoot hdr and then a layer of blur was applied with the overlay setting on... the only thing i feel missing is a stronger foreground subject, something adding drama.



    i would have never though about that. I had speculated this might be a long exposure with soapy water but not milk!! now that i see it in this context, the face on top left make perfect sense - photographically speaking;


    the image gives an uncomfortable feeling, both because of the "drowning" face and because of the intruding leg on the right, speaking of which, i wouldn't crop... it helps conveying a "uncomfortable feeling" life someone else was there watching, it is also very close on the right third, so it unbalances the face just the needed bit.


    congratulations on taking this image Monika, really creative thinking here.


    Bella prospettiva con punto di fuga! probabilmente un differente taglio dell'immagine eliminerebbe un po di "clutter" sulla sinistra. il cielo 蠰oco incisivo e andrebbe reso pi� importante oppure eliminato del tutto...secondo me ci vorrebbe un po pi� di contrasto nelle medie luci per evidenziare la trama delle mattonelle/colonne. E' molto carina la prospettiva perch蠴i pone in un punto "impossibile" cio蠡l di fuori della balustra.
  3. bellissimo astratto!! sembra l'interno di una stella con le esplosioni nucleari al centro e i vari strati di convezione sopra... hai notato come ci sono aree pi� chiare e pi� scure come nella convezione? sembra che il fuoco sui piani posteriori sia piuttosto morbido, forse c'蠵n contrasto eccessivo tra il bianco pieno e perfettamente a fuoco in primo piano e le sezioni posteriori pi� sfumate... cmq il tema meriterebbe di essere *molto* approfondito con altri scatti.
  4. Bella composizione geometrica, equilibriata e ben definita, un pizzico di macro-contrasto aiuterebbe a definire meglio le aree colorate, poi darei una passatina di maschera di contrasto per tirare su i dettagli fini, che in questa foto abbondano... in entrambe i casi (curve e sharpen mask) ti consiglio di lavorare sul canale alpha del metodo di colore lab... il risultato 蠳icuramente migliore che un'applicazione secca su rgb.
  5. very very very nice approach, it gives the feeling to be really closed to the subject (like you were when shooting) and the selective motion on the hand adds dinamism... i love the bottom up approach, very suitable for this kind of instrument... it only lacks a bit of dept of fields in his face, just a minor flaw being probably the main (the play, the music, the keyboard) subject already in sharp focus.


    really a nice image, i guess a bit of contrast on the poster on the left would make it even more strong. otherwise just fine.


    questa invece mi colpisce decisamente di pi� della prima, probabilmente per via della pulizia e della geometricitࠤel capannone sulla sinistra, sembra quasi nuovo sebbene sia decrepito, fatto suggerito anche dalla macchia di "vecchio" sulla destra... mi sembra una bella idea quella di mescolare in postprocessing il "nuovo" e il "vecchio", siano questi anche su due piani diversi (il supporto e l'immagine che il supporto contiene).


    bella immagine e bel postprocessing anche se mi lascia l'impressione che l'albero sulla sinistra sia un po troppo desaturo rispetto al centro frame...

    Georgia Aquarium

    despite being a quite ordinary view while visiting an aquarium, this image is particulary well realized to me... i expecially like the way you framed all human figures, they are almos completely visible to their feet, probably this is as down as you could go before hitting the bottom black wall... this way the image is really expressing the deep interplay between water fauna and humans.


    there is a nice interplay between the rose and its reflection, also colors are pleasant and not oversaturated... i would try to further explore the subject through different framing, zooming in, altering light direction etc etc... as it is now, i feel the top-left side of the image is lessening the impact of the bottom right side... it remains a very nice realization nonetheless.


    Interesting image, the most prominent feautre to me is the extreme contrast between the blown out white and all the detail in darker areas: together they make the image appealing, even if there are patches on his sking that seem too "burned out", as it were darkened during postprocessing. On the other side there is too much white on the left: while generally this is a good thing as it leaves space in the direction the subject looks, this might not be the case: the white is almost blinding and is drawing away my attention from the subject itself. Overally it remains a very nice picture anyway.
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