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Image Comments posted by giuseppe_miriello1


    geometry... ahhh... now i feel at home.... this is a very nice image, i guess there are too many windows and the approach from bottom is a bit too evident, probably a squared format that cuts out a little on the left would have made the image more minimalist and easier to read... anyway the diagonal made by the top of the arches is evident and the black triangules add an intresting contrast.


    this is another pick from my "choose 3 representatives" exercise.... again it shows your attitude for geometry, but also shows how you are able to mix it up with colours... particularly i find extremely intresting the slow "fade to blue" of the image, which is also a fade from geometry to chaos.
  1. Hi else :-)... i was trying to browse your portfolio and try to select 3 images i felt representative of you way to see the world, or at least, what i can glipse of it.. this is the first one: you have an attitude for geometrical elements, even if in your photography this doesnt' shows up immediately becouse it is mixed up with other attitudes (colors, human touches, odd but effective composition)... still this image represent very well something that is in you and is also very well seen and executed: particulary i like the central line which is not horizontal - adds movement to the frame - and also the fact that the wall is curve so shadows change as we progress left to right.

    fire escape

    last but not least, the third pick... this one combines all elements said before (geometry attitude, color, odd but efficace composition) in just one minimalist image.... the image is of a stair, so on would expect to see it, while you can just guess it by the low left hint and by the fact that you would have to put an hand on that white rail... so the composition might look strange, but it works, becouse it depicts where we are but let me to try figure out... colors are extreme: black-oranges and oranges-whites are great contrasts! geometry is all there in the upper part of the frame.


    anche questa 蠵na composizione molto stretta ed interessante, i colori sono molto ben resi, mi piace un po meno lo sfondo che si contrappone al sellino perch蠥ssendo orizzontale lo fa risaltare molto meno, lo sfondo su ruota e telaio invece 蠥stremamente efficace, perch蠭olto semplice e in elevato contrasto (luminoso/cromatico) con il foreground...


    Questa 蠤avvero una fotografia molto bella e originale, mi piace il taglio ardito con la silhouette e l'ombra che si proietta lunga verso lo spettatore, rende molto bene il senso dell'attesa. mi piace anche la qualitࠤel dettaglio in primo piano... la panchina sulla destra 蠵n po troppo evidente, ma rimane sulla diagonale della foto e quindi assume senso, avrei provato a guardare la foto anche in un formato quadrato - si lo so, sono fissato con i quadrati...

    Sky station

    nicely realized image... i guess the sky has too much weight in the balance and should be cropped a little.... the details on the tower are really intresting and i like the way it is positioned right on a side of the frame... i would try square crop and another bit of contrast... as is makes already a great capture.

    The wall

    intresting abstract, where the open windows look like dark squares of a cross-words.... probably i would have cropped square to enhanche the "crosswords" feeling... otherwise just a very fine image

    stop the world

    this one is the image i preferred from the series you just submitted... i like it for the geometrical disposition of the elements and the vivid colors... i guess it lacks a little of micro-contrast and probably a bit of unsharp mask would help... otherwise well done.
  2. Veny nice image first but i guess there are still 2 points that could be improved. First the vignetting on the frame is too heavy: could be an effect of the wide angle used in combination with a filter (the filter eventually popped into the range of view), or could be purposely made, but in this case it doesnt work very much for me... second, i guess a bit of fill flash on the cannon would bring to life a little more details on it, i guess the fill flash shoud be set not to completely illuminate the bottom of the cannon itself, becouse i really like the silouhette like look, but a bit of light just to bring some more detail could be intresting.... kindest regards. g.

    the old doll

    great realization... beautiful pose with the feet crossed to underline a sense of abandonment, the "trashed out doll" is completely achieved, the postprocessing is simply extremely effective, the "lightpaint" like toning on the girl and the immediate surrounding remember closely still lifes, while it is still evident that the girl is a very living one... great catch.
  3. Very Very nice image... i cant see the rightwards tilt except for the hills in background where, it is ok, but it may be me that cannot see fine details... i like the crisp and detailed rendition of the watchtower in foreground while oll the rest is blurred by the fog. great catch.


    hi jack... i wouldn't have though you kept the brown on purpose... now looking at the image again and again probably i am getting more convinced of you choice: eventually a too bright feature would have created too much contrast on an otherwise - quite - monochrome image. kindest regards. g.
  4. Ciao Ignazio,


    i like the image, expecially the larger version yelds a good amount of details... the tonal range is very good, with brobably a little lack of contrast in midtones. The composition is good, but i would have preferred moving to the right and isolating the subject from the rightmost strucure, putting him directly against the orizon... probably this would have made him more evident into the frame and would have furtherly enhanched the message you are trying to convey... very nice sharp catch anyway.

  5. Ciao Giovanni,


    una bella immagine, io avrei qualche ideuzza per farla venire ancora meglio... innanzitutto quando scatti silhouette di cittଠo il "landmark" 蠥stremamente riconoscibie (torre eiffel, pantheon, er cupolone) oppure devi cercare di includere una maggiore porzione di cielo - che tra l'altro di 蠶enuto abbastanza bene esposto. Poi io eliminerei tutti gli elementi non importanti per quanto riguarda l'individuazione del monumento (alberi, normali condomini) - ovviamente quando possibile. Rimane un'immagine che si fa apprezzare da chi conosce e ama Roma e gli scorci che sa regalare.

    Águila Calva

    this is a very good capture, well detailed, good exposed... my tastes are for square frames, expecially on such dead-on catches... i guess that way the head would be rendered more prominent and we would get rid of the right side of the frame that is just reducing the attention on eagle's eyes. very nice catch!


    hi daniele... i like the image very much but i guess this could be improved either... firs of all ok for light choice, very warm, and also for overall composition... said that i would clone away the electric lines and expecially the signal balls... then i would have either used a gradual nd filter to the sky to darken it AND i would have used a longer shutter to expose the bottom a little better... now that i look it deeply the bottom seems blurry... did you shot the image while moving? anyway good catch


    Hi again Markos, i am taking some time to explore your portfolio... and i like this shot very much... it has a great abstract feeling, also it is an extremely different approach to mikono's white ladders, really refreshing. How did you get the fucsia color there? Colored gelatine over flash?

    Pasta - Makaronia


    hi markos,


    very nice image, extremely professional, i also like the way you arranged different kinds of pasta, either in shape and in colour. I feel, but probably it is just my weird taste, that the pasta looks a bit too translucid, probably it diminisches a little its shape... this not applies to the pasta on the bottom, there the shape is evident, but rather on maccaroni and spaghetti... about 3/3 and similia... i guess that there are people here that consider "commercial" shots to have no artistic values, i posted a picture on oil and cheese and got more or less a similar feedback... not that i care too much either, the funny part is to make the shot and show it to friends - to me. kindest regards. g.


    this kitty is going to become a great model kim... :-)... this pose also seems very very natural, he seems enjoying to play and wander around the bench...


    very well done portrait, with nice soft light and good details and tonal range, her hands make her seem a bit unconfortable, also they appear significantly smaller than the head, so i would try in different poses... as is it remains a very good image.
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