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Image Comments posted by giuseppe_miriello1

    Into the Mist

    Really a nice and moody image, i find the lack of contrast appropiate fith the foggy look of the image, probably it just need a bit of unsharp mask in close foreground, otherwise very well done
  1. I believe this one of the few images i really loved at first sight, and for several reasons... first of all is illustrative of middle eastern peoples, their beauty, their attitude toward aesthetics, their religion. Then the image perfectly shows us a beautiful woman and her attitude to show only what really matters of herself (becouse she likes it this way? becouse this is part of her culture and her values? becouse of social attitudes?). Technically is an an extremely well done image, with a complete tonal range, a good "circular" background that isolates the main subject, a dead center composition still able to put her eyes on the crossing between upper and middle third lines - a very strong point... to me this is a top score, a very good documentary, a great portrait. kindest regards


    very nice image, eyes are beautifully rendered as well as tears... i like the choice of bw and the out of focus on everything but the face... very very nice b/w


    great capture! it illustrates beautifully the flowing of the time and the inevitability of the demise of all human things against nature... techically is very well done, with an appropiate long exposure and convenient luminosity and tonal range on the frame...
  2. great capture dee... besides illustrating perfectly what a photographer has to do if wants to pursue beauty, it is also a technically great shot, with a very precise silhouette contrasted by a beautiful broken and blurry wave... great dynamism and yet simplicity. top score for me on this one.

    Balloon and Tent

    very well seen, minimalist, with the balloon that could be doing (or being) almost anything our immagination wants it to be: a moonrise over a white desert of an alien world; a ball running down a hill; a graphical ying/yang... extremely original, very well realized. contgrats.


    ohhh that's original! i like both the surprised look on the girg AND the uncommon rotation on the frame... this makes a VERY original image besides a perfectly executed one... i like this shot very much
  3. I agree the conversion is really well done for all foreground... there is some strange feature on the left, where clouds meet the line of flowers... did you balanced flowers and sky separately? in that cas you should have dodged a little the black line were sky and foreground meet, just to make the separate conversion impossible to spot... great sharpness in foreground and - in this case - your position at shooting time was very good, you got a very good depth of field... this one goes higher than the one i commented before, and without the (slight) effect i mentioned above would have been top score. ah.. i forgot... clone out the white spot on the bottom.. i keep on looking at it :-) ... kindest regards. g.

    after the rain

    very nice image Bianca... i think that the fallout is a bit too extreme: i guest the image would have worked beautifully even with less dark at sides and maybe with a different (maybe panoramic) crop... the tree is really a dynamic feature, the falling branch is not disturbing.. after all is a dead tree isnt it?... great capture anyway.
  4. A really very very very pleasant architectural shot Charles, i like the alternance of primary colours and the geometrical disposition of all elements, no tilts, no distortions, and this enforces the ungeometrical bench at the bottom, and the different height of the 2 stones keeping it in place... i feel disturbing the tree branch at bottom, i would have just walked there and thrown it away ... i like to do a bit of "gardening" when i have to take a neat street shot... anyway it doesnt lessen the high quality of your work and could be cloned out either (and without particular remorses)... kindest regards.

    ...to heaven

    excellent b/w architectural shot! first of all there is the immediate perspective toward the sky, and that would be good, then there is the perfect repetition of elements near the perspective... like this was a latter that zig-zag to the sky... this impression of mine is enforced by the people... besides giving a scale to the image, they suggest tey are in-fact climbing a ladder and the group of two is less near to sky than the single man atop - that seems relaxing.. really a deep image, with many things to look at... congrats

    Storm Rider

    I really like this image... first of all there is a very good choice to include the imae into a very wide frame, this way there is more action, and the empty road and sense of loneliness have a good boost-up... second i really like the overall underexposed tone, it is more moody, and probably helped you freeze the biker either... then i like the biker is protending himself forward, like running away from the storm itself... i consider this a great b/w image. kindest regards. g.

    Light & Dark

    l'idea 蠢ella matteo e l'esecuzione 蠢uona... sei riuscito a mantenere il tutto molto allineato e centrale, e ci sono dettagli sia nelle ombre che nelle alte luci... io considererei questa una prova davvero buona di bianconero e controllo dell'esposizione... secondo me devi tirare un po di pi� i dettagli nelle ombre xche altrimenti ci si ritrova con il frame a destra un po troppo vuoto... ciao ciao. g.

    White Night

    i think this is a great capture, there is a very well done blurry water in foreground and a great symmetrical architecture on background... everything on focus... only it needs a slight tilt to the right to be perfectly aligned with frame's border... very well done.

    Infrared HDR

    this image is absolutely and positively extreme! view it larger and it is a pleasure for your eyes... what it pleases me most are the incredible amount of details: tey are are everywhere; and also i appreciate the way you composed this landscape, with the sidewalk that drives through the frame... maybe the rightmost part of the image is not essential and less detailed, maybe it could be cropped out partially - i say only partially becouse it helps to balance the amount of details into the left side of the image. too bad there is a little jpg artifacts visible on the clouds, but this doesnt' lessen the image, moreover becouse i understand that some compression issue on a post of this size is inevitable. to me this is top score. g.


    ciao giorgio.. mi piace da morire il modo in cui il sole ha fatto diventare traslucide le barriere antisuono... l'estetica complessiva 蠭olto molto bella.

    After Harvest

    Very nice image michael... i guess the only thing that is advisable is a bit more readable details into deep shadows, expecially into the trees... all the remaining works beautyfully.

    Alina 10

    this is a very appealing portrait, great exposure, overally nice tones, nice expression of the model... i like the overall luminosity of the image, beautifully contrasted by eyes and mouth
  5. hi Alberto... i like the extreme perspective and the overall exposure that gives much details on all frescos... i like less the flagpole on the bottom of the frame... i would try a corageous cut, eliminate part of the bottom of the frame, you will still have a perspective and also you will keep the most detailed part of the frame itself, white making the image to look a little more abstract... look also at the frame, a small black line helps concentrate on the main subject without being disturbing...

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