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Image Comments posted by cakeller98


    this is a really nice sillouhette, working out on a limb. It would be interesting if there were no supports under him. The background is a little distracting but overall it's a nice effect.

    five eggs

    Humpty Dumpty Soldiers... hehe... this is a really fun study of fives. I like that one of them get's the light. He's the "leader" and the rest follow after him. what a fun composition. I would have liked to see a little less exposure, and maybe a little more fill light, so that you can have details in the highlights (less exposure) and since you'd lose most of your shadows, adding the fill from the front/left, would bring those back. Nice work
  1. ...she's actually absorbed in the mirror, looking at her eye makeup before we went out... I guess the near, out of focus "her" didn't read clearly. I also can see what you mean... the shadows are a bit harsh, especially the one from her nose. Unfortunately I don't know how to correct that when the pictures are taken unplanned. It's funny... both my wife and I didn't notice the shadow from her nose, until you pointed out the lighting. This is partly why it's hard for me to critique my own stuff. As for the graininess, it's shot in pretty low light at iso 800, so... it's supposed to be a "high-speed B+W film look"... alas, I fear it's just distracting. Thanks for the comments...


    ...wow that's pretty amazing... 0-infinity almost. Nice repetition of the bike, and the curving road is great how it comes into frame and grazes the other side, and then back out the first side. lots of eye-catch. highlights are a little lost, but then... if you'd had them, you'd have lost any detail in the shadows, so .... nice work. nice imaage :)


    ...I might have liked to see the complete sign framed and centered... and straight on. Just me tho... I like your signs. Cool theme. It would definiyely work for a lomo wall (I think)
  2. This is completely in camera. It was just playing with zoom blur ;) and yeah ok, not very original I suppose, butit's cropped as it is, to put the center of the zoom at the lower left 1/3s intersection. I'd be interested to see how you would crop it.... feel free :)


    ....heheheh what a funny cat. or maybe it's... I'm ready already... come pet me! who knows... nice DOF, the gray bit in the upper right is a bit distracting... as is the left edge of the gray bit in the left-of-middle... maybe just blur that out a bit? anyway.. sweet picture, even if it is a Pet shot :) (teasing of course)
  3. ...cropping the sky out will probably help make them pop a bit better, adn as the last comment mentions... it doesn't really ad to the photo. Great capture of a moment. Very funny... and I too like the guy, with the Canadian flag T-Shirt , he actually serves to return the eye back to the action ;) how fun!


    Amazing... I love the subtle tonality of this (and the other cactus in here (is it cactus?)) These are really nice studies... more than just a "macro" look at something, they are truely artistic pieces... that happen to be from a "macro" POV. Good Work Joie, really nice.

    Where to?


    ... good point about the B+W, it does seem unnatural. I was going for a kinda... you're in a dream and you have a choice... follow the sign (in color) to some other place, down the left hall, or go toward the 120 degree shifted color, that's already shown itself. kinda one of those questions of, do you believe the directions, or do you believe your eyes. make your choice...


    I thought about going with a different color scheme... turning the gray into purple, so it's a completely secondary colors pallette. Not sure tho. :)


    prety funny, but stressful too... hehe, the tonge could be retracted at any moment, and the hand stand/walker is pretty precariously up there (pretty high up if you get the scale of things. Nifty little effect.


    Sorry... EWWW doesn't look tastey to me... is it really supposed to? Nice DOF tho... really nice textures, etc. I like the pallet of this shot, nice and clean.
  4. ... great colors, and composition. I love this kind of overlapping, converging circles. The repetition of the rivets is really nice. Might be interesting if there were three of the small ones, and three in the foreground. But... I like the image.. it's really nice!
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