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Image Comments posted by cakeller98

    Where to?

    This is only slightly selectively colored... I just white ballanced to the near wall... and the rest fell into place. Then I tweaked the color a little. I was thinking about removing the extinguisher, and the outlet... but wasn't sure that would be better. As for the exit, I felt that made a sort of "statement" about... you could go toward the colored area... or you could go toward the exit. What kind of choice is this??? I dunno... just fun ;) Thanks for the comments.


    ... I feel like I'm walking along this beam, and there's these passageways that I have to walk through that have a very Dali look to them. Nice image... original? could be. I have seen stairs before, but this is the first time I've seen these ;) and certainly the first time I've been altered in my perception of "what's up" in a shot down spiral stairs. Nice take on it.
  1. That's a super image... online it seems it might be better cropped... but I imagine that there's detail maybe in the black areas, that we online can't see... but you can? otherwise... fun perspecive... what's the FL of this pinhole? (yes I'm serious) ;)


    ...I like this pose the best in this series, but, I really don't like the box. It's an interesting and unique pose. The box is just distracting. and that little corner of floor is a bit distracting too. I'd love to see you reshoot this... just her, no box (I did like the recycle one tho.. that was interesting with that box, this just isn't)

    Devilish Smile

    What an adorable... but scary look... WHAT DID YOU JUST DO??? hmmmmmmm? hehehe... Children are full of character, it's almost as if... growing up takes away our expressiveness. Charming photo. Nice use of DOF to make her stay the center of attention. Although I'm sure most of the time, she has no trouble being!


    Interesting pose. Doesn't seem unnatural, but it doesn't feel comfortable either. There's something stiff about her, and he seems rather non-chalant about the whole thing. Interesting diagonal composition... lead me up to the kiss, and then kept me there... hanging, like she is... dependent on his grip... hope he doesn't let go :) Nice picture.


    the use of DOF is really interesting. I really like how there's a part of the background in focus... it keeps the forground object from floating in space. Nice. Beautiful composition.
  2. This has a much more interesting light. Nice work in PS... There's really nothing wrong with using photoshop... it's just another tool. And well used here.

    One thing you might like to try is converting the image to "Lab" color... and adjusting the levels (or burning and dodging) only the "lightness" channel. It will keep the color (hue and saturation) static, while allowing you to adjust only the lightness. Then you can convert back to RGB. and if you're worried about losing information in conversion, (I don't think you do, but) make it 16-bit before converting then drop it back to 8-bit when you're done. Good luck...

  3. I like the almost symetry of this. I often complain about almost but not on purpose... but this apears to be definitly on purpose. Color and texture are intriguing in this one too. I just like it.
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