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Image Comments posted by cakeller98

  1. I'm getting in big trouble... I'm keeping my wife awake. I can barely contain my emotions... and frankly who could blame me... I feel so left out... I didn't see this till it reached the top of the list. Why didn't someone tell me. I feel just aweful. Please forgive me for only being supportive now that you're at the top. I see the frowning crease of the dashboard every time I look at the image... frowning at me... in dissapointment of me for not seeing the genius earlier.... heheheheheh!!!

    Ash to ashes...


    Looking at this now, my peeve with it, is that the fingers on the hand are overexposed. I like that they are bright... but they would be better if they had some detail. Thanks for the suggestions... I'll try some different crops. If I like them... I'll post them ;)


    Thanks for taking the time.

  2. First off... I must say, I LOVE fog. secondly... all the different converging lines is really interesting, moves you through the image.


    my only complaints are... the black lines upper left are a bit awkward, since you can't see their beginning or end.


    Usually, I'd complain about the verticles of the pier not being verticle... but I think it works here... I'll have to come back and look again later ;) thanks for sharing... really love the way the light shines through the fog. SUPER


    Interesting composition. The verticle line is nice, but the larg black area isn't as well ballanced I think because of the softness of the white on the right. you might try increasing the sharpness between the white and black areas on the right behind her head. See what you think.
  3. I Modified the original image to bring up the face, and the right hand (our left) and bring down the left hand and bracelet(our right). Let me know if you think this works better ;) constructive comments appreciated.this is the first quick attempt... does this work better (I'll rework the original, after I digest this a bit, this is just a comp to check and see if it works better, I think it does... but I don't like the color of the bracelet on the right arm... I like the brightness... just not the grayness... help on that would be appreciated)

    here's the original image


    original image (click to see it full size)

  4. what didn't you "get". It's a picture of a bananna peel, as a negative. I thought it looked like an X-Ray. Pretty simple concept, illustrated in my first comment. So... what would you do to improve it? And you think this is "Bad, Bad" relative to the "average" photo.net image, fine, maybe you could explain. Thanks :)

    Ash to ashes...

    Do you think she'd look like she was "comming out of the shadows" if it were cropped tighter? The black is used to create the effect of shadowyness... as opposed to just having her underlit.
  5. other than the fact that it looks a little crooked (something that you could easily fix) it's a really wonderful image. I love the murky quality to the water and even the air. what would it look like if it were rotated just a little to the left, and cropped a little closer to the stuff. not all the way cropped... maybe half way? Nice image.


    centered subject implys static subject... she could have all kinds of movement, you might try cropping out the right side and half the height above her head... see how that works. Good tonal range tho, and decent contrast. What's the light bar up the left hand side?

    Cold Smile

    I'm sorry for the three... but the head seems to be floating in space. you've lost most of the detail in body, and the face seems overexposed. On the positive side, it's a great look... piercing eyes.
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