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Monday in Nature Weekly Photo Oct. 5, 2015

Laura Weishaupt

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<p>I'm confused. I thought this was a fungus forum. Now it seems to be a spider forum?</p>


<p>Well, obviously arachnophobia is not an issue for the fearless nature photographers of Photo.Net.</p>

<p>Now I hope this placid image would calm the nerves a bit. ;-)</p><div>00dWTz-558717684.jpg.1476e4a5591e5086d61b3b4b6d53a83c.jpg</div>

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That's wonderful. Would you please elaborate on how you took it? </p>

<p><em>"Removing spider webs from one's face (or one's lens shade!) is part of the nature photography game!"</em><br>

Frank,<em> </em>I spend much of my time in the woods looking down and walking slowly. I get a lot of webs in the face, but mostly the smaller ones in mid summer. The day I took my photo a lot of orb weavers had huge webs across an old road bed. Most were big enough to stoop down and walk under. I did miss one of them and took it smack across the front of my body. The poor spider was running for cover and ran across my webbed up face. arrrgghhhhh.<em><br /></em></p>

<p>Jon, glad to hear there is agreement. Happy to at least get the mushrooms straight. ;-)</p>

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<p>Beautiful image of Letchworth, Mary. I've been there a number of times, lived in Rochester for nearly 10 years, but I've never seen it like that!</p>


<p>Edwin, you need to be there before sunrise. Beautiful mood with the fog!</p>

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Laura, details as I recall are:

Nikon F3HP

Velvia 50

Macro-Nikkor 19mm f/2.8 or 35 f/4.5 or similar lens

Daylight filtered tungsten fiber optic light source.

I don't remember the exact magnification or the moth species - probably the most interesting info. I shot it about 10 years

ago and my record keeping is sketchy at times.

The moth was found dead by a friend of my sons who knew I liked "odd things".

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<p>Thanks, Mary.<br>

That bear, and a few others, have been quite bold this past summer. My wife took pictures with a p&s through a kitchen window of one on our front porch bullying a bird feeder. Unfortunately, my weekend neighbours, of which there are considerable numbers, aren't as comfortable with the bear presence and have taken to shooting at them. It saddens me. The bears were here first. <br>

Speaking of fearless dogs, though, ours isn't as tolerant as we are when it comes to the bears and he has a very ferocious bark reserved just for them. He makes no secret of it when there is one nearby and twice this summer I've seen him drive one off, snapping and snarling at their heels. It's a bit worrisome for me as he would be no match if the bear decided to stand his/her ground and I'm still hurting over a recent vet bill for $800, the result of his intolerance for a porcupine in the driveway. In case you haven't seen him, he is a black 65lb Standard Poodle named Elwood.<br>

Now, your photo this week has really stirred some old memories in me. I visited the park a few times as a boy, camping with my parents. We lived about an hour north of the border at Buffalo and my Dad would even drive us there sometimes for a day trip. That is where I saw my first eagle. He was soaring over the gorge and I was mesmerized watching. Your photo is wonderful and hard earned. I appreciate that. Maybe a trip through upstate NY and New England is in my near future! ;)</p>

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<p>In case you haven't seen him, he is a black 65lb Standard Poodle named Elwood.</p>


<p>What a brave soul. I think someone should call the DEM instead of shooting at the bears? I believe my 120-lb Lab-Great-Pyrenees mix would be just as ferocious. He recently backed a woodchuck to a corner and got some light bites on his snout. I am not sure what would happen next had I not pulled him out from the confrontation. The vet gave him a rabies booster as a precaution.</p>

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