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The other shoe drops--Ken Rockwell reviews the Pentax k-3 II


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<p>While I also believe that a built-in flash has value, a large proportion of users of this particular camera are using off-camera flash, so I suppose it was a a decision they had to make if they wanted to maintain the ergonomics, or relative weight. In terms of the review,</p>

<p>"...and some weather sealing"<br />"As all cameras should have..."<br />"Pentax makes no professional DSLRs and no full-frame DSLRs. It's sort of an orphan brand, now owned by Ricoh. They make a relatively <a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/buy/0/Ntt/Pentax+645/N/0/BI/287/KBID/1037" target="_blank">inexpensive near-medium format system</a>, and otherwise don't even make a full-frame DSLR."</p>

<p>This whole review stinks of a bias, and that's not just me being a fan-boy for Pentax. I have no problems with reviewers objectively remarking on what they believe may be short-comings for specified users, however Rockwell's words and phrasing in this review provide no sense of objectivity or integration of information from the field in regards to the awards and merits already achieved by the K-3 system.</p>

<p>And that is about all the energy I am going to put into thinking about that review....</p>

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<p>Back in the 1980's, Pentax is the company who introduced the built-in flash for SLR cameras. It was and still is a great idea. Even while acknowledging the limitations of such a flash, it often comes in very handy to catch a shot otherwise missed or be minus the benefits flash can offer.</p>

<p>Canon and Nikon's top models have long been without a built-in flash because they are meant for professional use under professional set-ups, or in a field where such a flash would be useless. This narrows the target-field of customers, which Nikon and Canon can get away with, but for Pentax is questionable.</p>

<p>I hope when Pentax gets going in offering full-frame models, these will have a built-in flash for such cameras being used in a wide range of photography, not just professional setups. Pentax should stick with the good idea they originated and others have widely adopted.</p>

<p>Of course Pentax has long made professional cameras by the standards used for that category- build quality, control layout, etc. If a larger company should buy Nikon, will it then be an "orphan brand"?</p>

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<p>As a former Canon user I would have to say that the Pentax offers <strong>way</strong> more bang for the buck without the bulk and the weight. The K3 even the K5 has more useful features than any current mid-range Canon/Nikon cameras and even some of their $2000+ cameras.<br /> Who cares about the menu as long as it works and is not a deal breaker. Most real photographers don't care about the "who's-who" when it comes to camera menus. As far as the pop-up flash I think Pentax made a mistake, but the camera is so cheap you can always get a K3 "version 1" as a back-up or even a K-5. Not sure what problems he had while using manual lenses, but I'm having fun using my recently purchased Takumar lenses.</p>
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<p>I don't care that the full-frame doesn't have built-in flash. When I need flash, I use the AF-540FGZ, because it is so flexible for bounce in landscape and portrait. I carefully tune the bounce angle, and the little white reflector, to get the best results. (I sure like digital for flash work!)<br>

I've accumulated a pretty complete set of Pentax-A lenses (15-135mm) and Pentax-FA lenses (20-135mm) in anticipation of the full-frame. Re-bought three lenses I already had in Pentax-M, since it's pretty clear that Pentax has no desire to de-cripple the mount. Only lenses I'd be using in non-A mount would be Sigma 8mm "Filtermatic" circular fisheye and Vivitar Series 1 200/3.0.<br>

Ken does understand focusing screen technology, the stock screens in the K-5 and K-3 are pretty useless for manual focus. They are about being bright with slow lenses. Unless you use the focus indicator, you'll be quite frustrated. I expect to replace the screen in the full-frame as soon as something appropriate for manual focus is available. I have a replacement screen in my K-5.</p>

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<p>I have been hoping to read some fresh user reviews of the K3II. For all the current & future reviewers, like Ken Rockwell, I understand there is no built-in flash. I get it! Pentax/Ricoh are not hiding this info. For me it is not a feature I care about! I am an older user with at least a few Pentax flashes already. I think putting GPS & extra SD slot in the body are more useful for my purposes. Frankly this K3II is likely to get me sucked in deeper for the GPS, astrophotography possibilities, pixel-shift feature, and other incremental improvements. I'll add flash if I need it. It would seem many of us are waiting anxiously for the full-frame body to arrive, too. What to do? ;-)</p>
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<p>Why would you all pay attention to a narcissist who exploits his kids on his website?</p>


<p align="left">''I support my <a href="http://www.kenrockwell.com/ryan/index.htm">growing family</a> through this website, as crazy as it might seem.</p>

<p align="left">The biggest help is when you use any of <a href="http://www.kenrockwell.com/links.htm#stores">these links</a> when you get<em>anything</em>. It costs you nothing, and is this site's, and thus my family's, biggest source of support. ''</p>

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<p>Currently I have a K20D with over 147000 shutter actuation's (last I checked)... Yes, it is old and very much loved and still kicking but. I did just purchase a K5ll's. Why would someone who currently owns a D7000, D7100, D7200, D750 and a D800E purchase a Pentax (Not even the current model) ? Because, If I dare say it, Pentax cameras are better built and better weather sealed than the Nikon, atleast the Nikon DX models. I am going on a trip to the middle east soon and want to travel light, hence the K5ll's. The Pentax lenses are the smallest, lightest and some of the sharpest, at least in my experience. Where Nikon does Kill Pentax and Canon for that matter, is in Auto focus speed and Low light shooting. That I will miss on my trip, but I am choosing weight and weather sealing vs focus speed. Image quality is virtually identical to me.<br>

Anyway, don't pay no mind to KR. He is only trying to feed his growing family.<br>


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<p>Why would you all pay attention to a narcissist who exploits his kids on his website?</p>



<p>One could argue that all bloggers are in some sense narcissistic, Ken is no different here. I think you have to be a little slow to realize that half the time he is joking or saying stuff to amuse his readership. I find him amusing. "Tidy thinking is the last refuge of the boring man".</p>

Robin Smith
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