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PhotoNet Pro
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Everything posted by Pinklather

  1. The harder it is to get an answer to this, the more it raises specters of data mining to dollarize the user/member.
  2. I previously asked what affects happen from clicking a 'like' button & still have no answers. What code executes other than counting # of likes? Is any information exposed about the user? or about the user 'liked'? (like facebook). Is there a reason this question is difficult to get an answer to?
  3. Erko - love the shot of the Streetlamp & spiral staircase. 2 barns, 2 somber memorials
  4. Couple on a theme of Morning. 500cm/80/short ext. tube. FP4/PyroHD "Morning"
  5. From the land of Wet 500cm/80 Fuji 400H f16, 1/8th
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