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Everything posted by Pinklather

  1. Rick, Thank You for talking about your experience w/ Acros. Your Bronica shots show mid-tone separation that I've yet to obtain. I've wanted to love Acros, but I've not been able to unlock the goodness. 'Always contrasty, but for me - missing a mid-tone. I shoot alot of low light, so I wanted to enjoy the reciprocity - but not at the price of mids. You're most kind in describing my shooting. The gear is good - way better at its job than I am. :) 'Hope the day has been good to you.
  2. Rick, I noticed your scooter shot was Acros & Ultrafin. It *did* show way more mid-tone separation than I've gotten w/ rodinal, HC-110, D-76 & even PyroHD. I've been about to swear off Acros, but this isn't bad. 'Still doesn't have the rich tones of the Ilford films - as your shots above it show. But then, whatever you're doing for processing consistently looks excellent. My shot #29 was Pan F & Pyro - finally got some of the results I expected out of the slow film.
  3. Tony, I'm sure my posts weren't making it easy. 'Love the 'Refit' - the wood & textures.
  4. first from the humble Fe2/Quantaray 70-200/HP5/PyroHD semi Oregon Maritime Museum
  5. rajmohan - the tree trunks are killer! James B - long shadows is excellent. Geese pond is also. JDMvW - now *that's* a water tower. 'Come away thinking I've been 'mooned'. :) 'Good eye! erko - 'Love the cuckoo clocks. The new eye does well, but you'll have a hard time topping that Fuji.
  6. 1897-ish Carpenter Gothic Portland First Pres.
  7. Beautiful, Wouter! 1.5 stories & 2 ladders below the clock face - we have the culprit. Shaft drive - with lots of universal joints. Instead of going straight up, the shaft goes off at about a 50 deg. angle.
  8. Seth Thomas # 1669, 1911 500cm/80 HP5/PyroHD semi
  9. :) Postus interruptus Bert - very nicely captured chrome on the bicycle.
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