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Image Comments posted by jay_patel

  1. Heather: Yes, I had my 20D since spring of this year. I have been shooting with it since that time. I will soon move to 5D.


    David: I had to wait 3 hours for the light to fall on the right spot on a cold rainy day. But, once the clouds started to break, I managed to get several shots of the falls with the side/back lighting in just the right spot. Thanks for the comment.

  2. Beautiful light. I have camped out at near this spot, but the sky was rather plain when I went there. I have plans to visit this location again. Along with Halfdome, Cathedral peak is one of the most photogenic mountains in the park. Well captured photograph.


    Nice colors in the sky. Paula, give us some more details about how this photo was created. Is that the moon or the sun? What was the exposure and what time was the phototaken?
  3. Autum is a great time to do some macro photography. The colors and details of the backlit leaves can make for some superb abstracts. Autum colors in Ohio are rather disappointing due to a warm summer and fall.

    Blue Night

    Interesting...The blue background reminds of the the Jellyfish display I saw in Monetrey acquarim. Seems like Mikki is trying to reach out to the jelly fish.
  4. I to prefer the other two over this one, but this one show the RAW power of the volacno much better. The reds and yellow convey the sense of violent nature of the volcano to the view more dramatically then the previous images...And you never know which one will sell better. :-))


    Nice exposure..I like the bit of blue streak that seperates the sky out from rest othe image.

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