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Everything posted by royall_berndt

  1. I hear you , but there's another factor. I'm getting old!
  2. I should mention that the Nikon N90s will autofocus with non AF lenses. There's an adapter to afford this.
  3. I believe my 7000 will be my last camera. I can't imagine any useful.feature this machine doesn't already offer. The image quality is superb.
  4. I was reading an old Jason Schneider column about the normal lenses for this camera. He rates the Skopar as the best optic, over the Ultron and Nokton! Anyone agree? I've seen the Skopar praised before, but only as a bargain alternative to the serious glass.
  5. I came across a 1985 copy of Modern Photography. Kodachrome 64 was on offer at $6.49 per roll; processing for it was $5.85. Fujichrome 100 was the same. So film wasn't cheap even "back then." The big advertisers, btw, were 47th Street Photo and Olden.
  6. Which company is producing the more advanced cameras?
  7. BTW, I didn't even know we have a nudes section. How pure I am.
  8. I wouldn't describe most of the selfies as sleazy, but an occasional posting deserves the label richly.
  9. Jason always championed the M3 in his extensive writings on vintage cameras. He has a website now, and he's kept faith with the M3. And writes about many cameras as interestingly as he always did. Take a look.
  10. Thank you for that helpful and well written reply. I currently use those guns on an N90s. Great stuff.
  11. I have flash units SB 23, 26, and 30. Would they be compatible with a digicam like my D7000?
  12. My FM2 was doing fine when suddenly its shutter jammed. The repairman put in a new shutter rather than try to repair the original. This only cost a hundred bucks. I doubt you'd pay more.
  13. The Internet is swarmed by selfies of teen girls in states of undress. What is going on? It has to be more than vanity. Rebellion? Simple hell-raising? Being able to photograph themselves without involving a lab has borne strange fruit indeed. Boys don't seem to be into this except as audience.
  14. I recently praised the Voigtlander Avus. Here is an image from it. This was shot with a 120 film back for 6x6 format. No retouching. Her skin was great, and the Avus noticed.
  15. I hope you Medalist people will post some shots. I have heard such good things about those Ektars.
  16. They always get into shooting bicycles and motorcycles and old black men with wrinkles.
  17. I last used my Minox ML ten years ago, but recently I got a new battery and started shooting...using Fuji 400H. I had forgotten how much fun and inspiration that little gem provides. So much knowledge of photographers incorporated. I will take it and it alone on my next vacation, with a backup Canon GT.
  18. Good news. There are a number of 30mm filters on eBay now.
  19. I also vote for the Nikon FM2 or just as good, a Minolta SRT 102. Lenses for Minolta manual-focus camers are excellent and right now really cheap. If you want a basic 50mm for it, get the MC or MD f1.7. Great glass!
  20. It's just possible that Adorama and B&h have some on a dusty shelf. I will have to check on it and then look for a place that develops the stuff!
  21. Please accept sympathy from another shooter with a dominant left eye. I can't think of a camera that favors types like us. Can you?
  22. If you get a Leica booster for the MC meter, it will read accurately in low light.
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