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Everything posted by royall_berndt

  1. I calculate inflation based on the cost of a newspaper or a movie ticket.
  2. The C4 was my dream camera back in the day. I have one now and still get a kick out of using it.
  3. I ordered one roll each of Velvia, Fuji 400H, Ilford HP 5+, and Ektar. Ordered from B&H.
  4. Of all the SLR lenses I own, Minolta, Nikon, and Leica, the champion, imho, is the Minolta MD 85mm f2. The lens has especially beautiful color rendition, and is sooolo sharp. And has a good amount of je ne sais quoi.
  5. If shooting film is fun for you, shoot it to enhance your travel. If you want compact digital, get a Canon G12.
  6. Gentlemen, thanks for your detailed responses. If I weren't so happy with the N90s I'd look for an F100. I discovered the N90s when a couple of girls on the street handed me the N90s and asked me to take their picture. My immediate reaction was "This is it.". I bought one immediately.
  7. In reviews, the F100 comes in for more praise than the N90s. It is certainly mentioned more often. In studying lists of features, however, I think the N90s is easily equal. But I am not certain. Does anyone have experience with both machines? Should I sell my N90s (F90x) and get an F100?
  8. I ordered four rolls of film from B&H. The tab was a breathtaking fifty bucks. Has the film price increased from normal inflation, or are the manufacturers compensating for lower volume?
  9. All I recall is seeing the color from a great distance and that the sky was overcast. Because this was Times Square, maybe the huge neon lights were a factor.
  10. My Voigtlander Avus is one of my best LF cameras. Are there any sources for 9x12 sheet film for this machine?
  11. The SB 26 does great stuff, but the controls are tiny and plastic; you expect them to snap off. These dinky controls make me worry that the gun won't last long. Anyone else notice this?
  12. Here is the shot, but I don't recall the film. It probably was one of the Portras.
  13. Thanks. You are correct. The BT is about as pure camera as you can get. I remember that the first roll I exposed came out amazingly well, with good contrast and sharpness. It was the second roll I recall as off somehow.Must have been my fault.
  14. I used my Zeiss BT about 30 years ago, and put it on the shelf. I am now putting a roll of Delta 100 through it. Should there be a problem when I get the film developed, I wonder if anyone on earth repairs these things? It's a 54-2 model. I vaguely recall a problem with frame spacing.
  15. I have a IIc that is pristine except the rangefinder is way off. Anyone else have this problem?
  16. I have an iron Elwood with lens holders and neg carriers for 35mm film, for MF, and sheet film up to 5x7. I can sell it for a hundred bucks to someone who can pick it up in Manhattan. Gives smooth tones, especially in LF.
  17. I took a shot with a Contaflex IV, and the pink in the picture seems to oddly glow. Do all photo films react this way?
  18. Last year a member posted that his new sb26 flashgun wouldn't zoom. I had the same problem but figured out that the batteries must be fresh for the zoom to work. The zoom apparently needs more juice than the other functions. Anyone else face this problem?
  19. Rick, I once owned a Retina IIIc with a 50mm Rodenstock lens. The lens was superb. I also acquired the telephoto lens, also by Rodenstock. And again, super sharp with good tones in b&w. Awkward to use, but the results justified extra trouble.
  20. I found in my files a nude shot of a model who was 16. It was taken in 1984. Was the shot illegal then? Should I destroy the shot? It is a 3/4 back shot, so no pubic hair, etc. is shown.
  21. The mono shots have a strong presence. Good composition, but something in the tonality also.
  22. When Pan X was available, I did;t care for it much. Too contrasty...harsh results. But some people really liked it. A few years back, I posted here that I was going to give away a 100-foot roll of that stuff. "The first claimant takes it." My mailbox nearly exploded!
  23. I know that's just a simulation up there, but I never cared for Panatomuic X. Too contrasty, and midtones fell into black all the time
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