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Image Comments posted by garethleyland

  1. This is the Langdale Chase Hotel shot hand-held from a moving boat

    on Lake Windermere. The building to the lower right is the Old

    Boathouse and is now used as the Bridal Suite for the hotel.

    Thanks for looking and any comments.

  2. This was shot as a wet and cloudy day started to brighten up. Taken

    hand-held from a moving boat on Lake Windermere I got lucky as a

    shaft of sunlight broke through the clouds.

    Thoughts and comments welcome.

    Thanks for looking.

    Warm Enough


    Hi Mike, at least it's a bit warmer in Florida!! I've just seen the weather forecast and we are expecting snow again tmw. I dont think the mercury has got above 5 degrees since Christmas.

    Thanks for the comments.





    I had exactly the same idea, in the winter trees are all different but in the summer they look pretty much the same. I too was going to start a similar series and this has inspired me to get on with it.

    This is wonderful and I look forward to more of your 'lone tree' images.

    Kind regards




    Hi Gail, this is quite unusual for us, we don't get this kind of weather often. This frost is caused by freezing fog, once the fog clears everything is left covered in fine ice crystals. If the sun comes out then it is all gone within a couple of hours. The daytime temperature on this day was about -3 deg c which is cold for the UK but nowhere near as cold as some parts of the world.

    The ice and snow is nice but to be honest I much prefer the summer!!

    Roll on the warmer weather.

    Take care




    I was lucky Gail, this was the only day the sun made an apperance in 3 weeks, even so it was still a bit too cloudy. I also happened to be in the right place at the right time!

    Since I shot this I have invested in some ND Grad filters, something else to learn how to use!

    Thanks for looking.




    Hi Gail

    This was quite a friendly robin, I shot it with a 35mm lens so got pretty close.

    All the snow has gone for now, it never lasts long. We might be in for some more on Sunday whichwill be nice.

    Thanks for the comments




    Hi Gail, thanks for stopping by.

    It is an old mill yes, I have another shot of it in my portfolio taken last year just before the drought warnings in the UK. We then went on to have the wettest summer on record and are still suffering now.

    Climate change has a lot to answer for.





    Hi Ruud and Mike

    Thank you both for stopping by.

    Jessie is just over 12 years old now and I have had her since she was 11 weeks. Wonderful with children and a loyal companion. She could do with a good brush though!

    Again, thanks for looking.






    Thank you Colin, 20 mins after shooting this it was snowing a blizzard, a blue sky would have been ideal but on this occasion it was cloudy.



    Foggy night


    Hi Stephen, thanks very much for your insight.

    I have a few variations of this image now having played around with cropping, B/W, colour changes etc yet I still keep coming back to the original. I think prehaps because I had an image/mood in mind when I took the shot, and the result was what I was aiming to acheive. It has certainly caused interest with some of my friends.

    All the best



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