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Image Comments posted by garethleyland

  1. Hi Mike, thank you for the comments. There are many peaceful places like this in the UK, away from the busy and noisy roads and city centres.

    I have just been on holiday for a week in Northern Ireland with the family, most of the time was spent on the river Erne racing around in a speed boat. My cameras stayed in the bag most of the time out of the way of all the water!

    I'm back home now doing some image catch up!




    Another Sunrise


    Hi Marco, many thanks for the comments. I'm sorry for the delay in replying but I have just spent the last week in Northern Ireland racing up and down the river Erne on a 240hp speed boat.

    I now need to do some photography 'catch up'!

    Best regards


  2. Hi Mike, for you it is a yard, for us a 'garden'.

    This is my small bit of planet earth, not big by any standards but it is mine. It is somewhere to sit and relax after a long day at work.

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving kind comments.



    Little Mouse


    Hi Mike

    Just happened to be the lens on the camera at the time. The AF on the 60mm micro is slightly slower than my AFS lenses but did the job here. I haven't seen this little guy today but I will keep an eye out for him.



    Little Mouse


    Some movement in the corner of my garden caught my eye, upon

    investigation I found this little guy hiding behind some planks of wood

    against the house wall.


    As my camera was close to hand I chanced a shot, it was so dark I

    used AF assist to gain focus and on board flash. He didn't like the

    flash and ran straight into the undergrowth but one shot was all I


  3. Hi Alf

    Most definitely a Yorkshire twang!!

    I see many scenes from my van early in a morning and most of the time I cannot stop to take advantage. This was one occasion that gave me an opportunity.

    Many thanks for taking the time to comment.

    Best regards


  4. Hi Alf, many thanks for the comments.

    I think this would have been so much better maybe 10 minutes earlier before the sun had crested the tree line but I still thought it worth stopping. I was limited to in-camera framing without standing in a muddy ditch and if I moved back for more perspective I would have had the road in shot. A wider angle lens might have done the trick but I only had the one lens with me. Lesson: Take everything with you always, every time.

    I will play around with this and give the lower right corner a crop.

    As ever with sun rises, you don't get very long to get it right!!

    Best regards


    Sun Seekers


    Hi Mike, this was just one of those days (and we don't get many) of vivid blue sky and bright sun. Finally we have some warmer weather here in the UK! It's been a long wait.





    Hi Bela

    Thank you for your time and comments. Certainly your re-processed versions show a different atmosphere. It was a very cold day and this is indeed enhanced by the blueish tinge.

    My post skills are still very limited but I am learning almost on a daily basis.


    Best regards


  5. Wonderful perspective Rick. I like the lines and also the spiral up the mast.

    The image leads me to the 'very top', a place many strive to reach! However, under certain conditions the 'very top' can be a place of distinct uncertainty and un-balance.

    This goes in my favourites.

    Kind regards


    Light Spheres


    Hi Rick

    Thanks for the comments, these water gels are really good fun and totally harmless. Florists use them as a slow water release option in flower arrangements. I have a couple more images in my recents folder.

    Many thanks for looking.





    Thanks Mike, this was shot in the National Railway Musuem, just another little piece of a bygone year. I like old things though.

    Best regards




    Hi MIke

    This is one of the many cats at the stables, they keep out of the way of humans though. Their job is to catch mice, not be petted and stroked by the many youngsters learning to ride.

    This tabby had its eye on something in the hedge and paid no attention to me.




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