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Image Comments posted by garethleyland

  1. Thanks for the comments, as a beginner it is nice to receive such nice feedback. The backdrop is an LCD TV screen, for some reason it dosen't reflect any flash and gives a really black background. I am still not happy with the shadow on the stem though.



    Thanks for the comment.

    I set the camera to 1.8, why the details say just '1' I don't know. It was my intention to have just the one knife sharp (the rest are all blunt anyway), as to the light I was trying to get the corner of the knife to shine. There is a tiny bit of light right on the point but not quite as much as I wanted.



    This is my first time shooting RAW in Black and White. I spent ages

    trying to get the lighting right and in the end went with this as my

    favourite. Shot taken handheld at ISO 1600 with 35mm 1.8 prime

    wide open. Please give honest opinion. Thanks.



    Hi, I'm new to this site, just feeling my way. Thanks for looking, I don't mind you having a 'play', I was trying to get the sun to light up her face but it didn't quite work, also had camera set to 'more vivid' which didn't help. I am thinking of subscribing then I can post some more. Regards, Gareth.

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