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Everything posted by Uhooru

  1. © Barry A Fisher

  2. NYC is great for urban night photography. Untitled by Barry Fisher Untitled by Barry Fisher Untitled by Barry Fisher Untitled by Barry Fisher
  3. Watch some of the work by Jimmy Chin for one. Film called Meru, also the Oscar winning documentary "Free Solo". Amazing camera work in extreme conditions.
  4. Uhooru

  5. I did get this yesterday from them. (doesn't apply to my prescription as I'm up to date) On a mac, right click on Read online below and open the link for the letter they've been sending out when they can't read what versions are on your computer. It says nothing about raising prices. Read online
  6. I agree that it comes down to personal preference.
  7. @bill c. It seems with digital photography at least, you can balance you color temperature. As long as the light sources can be controlled to one temperature you should be able to get a color balance that produces most colors and skin tones accurately. Without reference to some "shirley card". I remember in school, some of the teachers when shooting film commercially, did have to test different films for a shoot to get a balance they liked, but now that is one advantage digital brings. For video, I really don't know, but I have a friend who is a videographer and she says on the high end you shoot a, I forget the name, but its a really neutral color and tonal balance and out of the camera looks ugly and flat. They then color grade and adjust tonality in post and control it that way.
  8. I'm not sure I understand how a color balance issue, denotes a racial bias. If there was, and please excuse this awful pun, a color balanced color film for people of color. Would this be a racially separate but equal issue going back to pre-civil rights act law? A practice rightly ascribed as discriminatory as the rationale was used to keep blacks from white only public schools. Maybe here the problem was the woman's cloths color, not her skin color. Maybe the technician should use a grey card or other tech to get the right tonal settings and color temperature. Was it not digital video? Maybe the tech didn't know what she was doing. Obviously back in the early days, there is no doubt there was virulent racism in America, and it still exists, but I don't think this is it. Maybe better to shoot B/W?.
  9. Not sure if Bill is still having computer issues, but as he usually posts by now, I'll assume he is and start the thread. So.....Put em up ladies, let's see your pic for the week. Cheers
  10. Uhooru

    © Barry A Fisher

  11. Thanks Arthur. I liked your 1st pic a lot! the eyes have it!
  12. Hi all. Bill is having computer issues this week and asked me to fill in. So please post your favorite pic-o'-the-week. X-Pro2 with Summicron 50
  13. Great questions Ian. I thought about it when I saw this yesterday and just couldn't think clearly about it. I think its because the distinctions between street, documentary, reportage, can just be so fuzzy in that a photo taken with the purpose of one of these categories, ie, a "news' photo, or a street photo, can be easily appropriated into documentary. Practically speaking, "Street and Documentary" share sufficient interests to hang together as a forum. Additionally, you have to ask if there would be sufficient interest to support separate forums for these. A lot of us take photos that fall into either category, and for some of us, street and documentary for that matter can include portraits, various "scapes" and candids, so for me, I don't really see a need to split them
  14. Yeah, that seems to be a big weight to carry, being the arbiter of what is "street photography". In-Public, including Nick Trupin has a lot of cool photography on it, but I always thought it was a bit of an overreach to bill itself as "the home of street photography" only to self-destruct because they don't have a clear consensus of what that is or means. It is kinda funny.
  15. "Yes. Time is moving faster than it used to.* Classic happens quickly these days." Good point Shadow, the digital age and the neuronic speed up. I wonder if this is the consciousness analog to the effects of speed on time:) Just from what I've seen or used, I've tended to feel that the newer cameras just get better but I used to like the look some got with the Nikon D70. Tim Holte here on p.net and Ray as well, especially in b/w. I liked images, in terms of look, with the Nik D700 and 17-35, funny enough because it reminds me of film so much. Also I liked the first version of the Ricoh GRD jpg b/w just had a look right out of the camera and a great start for post. Just musings. Nice topic.
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