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Image Comments posted by rjacksonphoto

    the boat

    I think the composition is fine as is. I'd like a little more detail in the fisherman-- without the title, I wouldn't know what he was doing. Maybe if you left it untitled, we wouldn't really care what he was doing-- just a very small person in a very small boat on a very large sea. Nice image.



    Although I think this photo is supposed to make a social comment, I'm not sure what that comment is. We know these people exist and, if that's the message, then I agree, this is trite. Usually, to me, effective photos of this sort remind us that these individuals are human, too. They share many of our concerns and problems (often amplified) and are not just objects to be overlooked. And that's where this photo fails, in my opinion. By not showing us his face, he remains an object, not a person. He could just as well be a scarecrow or a clothing store mannequin. His face would make him human. Someone posted a link to a photo above that showed faces with emotion and that made all the difference. There has been a lot of speculation as to whether this guy is legit or or a con artist. We might have more insight into this question if we saw his face.


    I am not good at this kind of photography but I greatly appreciate those who are good at social commentary, or "ethically evaluative", photography. One thing I try to keep in mind is "why am I taking this photograph?" Do I really care what happens to this man? Do I care enough to sit down and talk to him? If the answer is "no", then my motivation for taking the photograph probably has little to do with true concern for the person.


    I, too, like this shot. I think the composition is maybe a little static (central horizon and the fisherman does seem a tad stiff), but overall an intriguing shot. I have no problem with the washed out background-- I'm from the "expose properly for the subject and let the other values fall where they may" school (I have no idea who I'm quoting). Burning in unnecessary backgrounds can distract from the main subject. Good job.
  1. I think this is a fantastic shot. The colors, composition, the facial expressions. Good job! You know, if the only good photographs are ones of subjects that have never been photographed before, we might as well all put down our cameras right now. Thanks.


    The selective focus on the stuffed animal works! An entirely different photograph than if you had included boy AND animal or just boy in plane of focus. Nice vision. Thanks.


    You pulled it off despite what should be drab overhead light. I might have aimed the camera just a little to the left for more canoe and tree in the foreground and less featureless grass. Still, congratulations on a nice shot!
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