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Image Comments posted by rjacksonphoto

    Sea Breeze


    Excellent shot! This looks like palm trees blowing in the wind. Nice detail and the muted colors work well.



    I guess my only criticism relates to my impression of a landscape. I wonder what it would look like in landscape format with the subject in the left of the frame following the rule of thirds? It might better portray a sense of wind then. This cropping does seem a little tight.



    Then again, this might not be at all what you intended (although your title suggests it is). As is, an interesting still-life and detail shot with a surprising sense of motion.

    five ivy leaves


    Effective composition. The muted colors and soft light work well with the subject with just enough shadow to give a three dimensional look. Worthy of a nice print.



    The contrast looks a little low for Elite Chrome 100. Was this the scan? Did you try it with slightly higher contrast (to deepen the blacks)? Having asked, I suspect it looks better with the lower contrast, given the subject (as stated above). Good shot.


    An excellent photo! The hammer and nail make his activity recognizable. I agree that the clouds are not a big plus or minus and also that I would probably prefer a full silhouette (in fact, the whole thing could stand to be darkened a bit-- I see vertical lines of what appear to be blown highlights(?) on the right). My last criticism is that you could probably crop off the left ten percent of the shot without losing much and tighten up the eye on the subject. Then again, you could do none of these things and still have a marvelous shot.
  1. Great photo! Excellent composition and the colors are really unexpected in this usually monochrome subject. Wonderful job seeing this one and skillful execution in bringing it to the viewer.

    Bombay Hook NWR


    While I can see why you took this photo-- dramatic light, multiple layers of fog, and beautiful colors-- the mood these things convey just doesn't quite seem enough to pull off the shot. At the risk of sounding conventional, I think this really needs a subject. The highlighted trees to the right just aren't enough to keep my attention and the dark space on the left seems vacuous. Maybe a vertical composition of the right side of the image with the trees just right of center? Maybe moving closer and using a 50mm lens to separate out the elements in such a vertical composition would help.


    It also seems as if the contrast is a bit low but I know a higher contrast image may have lost the fog.


    Still, a beautiful scene and one that threatens to disappear before you can consider all of the compositional possibilities. I've certainly been there myself...

    Bay Bridge

    I think I like this one a little better. The horizon may be a little tilted (or maybe its just me) but, even if it is, it really doesn't hurt a shot in this style. I'd try cropping about ten percent at the top to get rid of some of the extra black and emphasize the horizontal aspect of the subject. I think this is a wonderful shot!
  2. The composition is a bit static and I'd print this with a little more contrast but, other than these minor points, I think this is a wonderful image (I suspect the use of a pinhole camera and the limited availability of viewing positions limited your compositional alternatives). Great job!
  3. I'm curious as to how you achieved the high contrast-- PhotoShop or the darkroom? Either way, I like the photo a lot. I might have been tempted to shoot more from the left to see the bridge more from the side but then there would have been poor separation from the buildings. I still like the effect.
  4. I like this, especially the composition. It looks a little soft, almost like a diffuser was used although I see that it wasn't. Maybe the scan? Anyway, I think it adds to the painterly quality of the photo. Might be a nice scene to try in B&W as well. Good work.
  5. I think this is excellent as is. The composition is quite symmetrical but I think the diagonal of the bridge gives just enough break from the symmetry. The scan seems s little soft but really doesn't detract from the overall effect (it may even enhance it). Tonality and exposure are right on considering the bright sky. Good job!


    I really pity you, having to work with all of those sorry Zeiss lenses and weak Hassie bodies... another excellent shot in a uniformly excellent portfolio.
  6. Wonderful photograph. Composition works with the foreground subject echoed in the color of the houses deeper in the frame. The sun closer to the horizon may have lessened contrast but that would have been a different photo. This one is great on its own merit.
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