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Image Comments posted by ian_clark3



    Great colours and great clarity.


    The photo itself is like one of those funny emails sent around - how unusual and funny.


    I'm kinda each way on this. give me a close up and I'd laugh, back like this I'm straining to see what happening.

  1. i like it. It's very hard to find any imporvements then again the experts would. Depth of field and shutter speed could be improved but i know a photo like this may take months of waiting. It's great, to the average person this is fabulous.



    Brilliant, Love it. Everyone would say you have to focus on the eyes and the main subject his mouth and the ball but, hey guess what the dog is moving. I think you have done brilliantly just to get him with some clarity.


    Keep at it, this is unusual and captivating.

    duck 2


    Its a powerful image of the duck but he is not as isolated from the background as some of your other work with birds. Because of the complexity of the background it draws attention away from thr duck and makes the image a little bland.





    I dont usually look in the nudes i find they all look the same after a while


    that was until i saw this one - fantastic full of life and colour.


    I dont think you need to change anything, maybe a border using the crimson and blue colours with then a bold black on the outside. I find nothing I'd change.


    just great.

    Monhegan Island


    Beautiful colours and great clarity.


    Only thing I find is that my eyes follow the shore line around and stop where it goes off the left hand edge of the photo then starts when it comes back on. For me I'd like to see you have twisted slightly to get all the shore line inmeaning the eyes would then follow arouns to the point and jump of out to the sun making it all one big lead in line.


    Whatever Its a great shot and one I hope i can take someday.



    From your portfolio I can see your making progress Upul - well done.


    This photo has a nice line for the eyes to follow flowing across the page diagionally. However the colours are quite bland, you need to lift the saturation and contrast to bring out the colours more. Also the photo lacks some foreground interest so your eyes tend to run around the photo looking for what it is you want us to focus on.


    I think there is a great shot here if you could get down onto the shore line near what looks like a rock pool and take a shot across the rocks to the headland. Sinrise or sunset and the red in the headland would glow in comparison to the greay rocks.


    Great place to work with, keep at it and hope this helps.

  2. Clayton just being out there in such a place must have been rewarding. Great photo.


    I like to give constructive feedback where I can. with this photo I think the water line is not quite horizontal. i think the photo slightly dips to the right hand side, maybe half a degree.


    I bet that water is freezing but I wonder what a shot up close on the fallen tree would be like where it becomes quite a big foregrounf feature. The water looks very clear so if you were up closer I guess the photo would have even greater depth with being able to see the rocks on the botom.


    Also i find the moon reflection become a line the eyes follow through the photo and with the fallen tree to the right foreground and the moon and reflection over there the picture is a little right side heavy. If you had gone left more would the moon reflection then lead the eyes to the mountains.


    It does not really matter, you have a great photo you can be proud of anyway.



    Great clarity and beautifully presented.


    For me for some reason I'd have liked to see the space on the other side. Max you have the space on the right I'd prefer it on the left - don't really know why it just seems to me that's where it should be given the model is leaning that way.


    Anyway no matter what Max this is a great photo.

  3. Ray it's great, I looked at it for a while and started to think "what if".


    What if there was less foreground and the boats were closer would that make it more interesting?


    What if Ray was closer and around to the right would the sun be behind the castle highlighting it and would the red and white boat then be a lead in line in the foreground giving it more interest. If you were to the righe and the red and white boat in the foreground would the sun light then be shining under the boat on the two blocks.


    I guess in the end I's just like a bit more interest in the foreground or crop some of it off.


    Thanks any way Ray, having just stood in mud to take a much lesser photo myself I appreciate yours.

  4. I cant tell you how bad a morning this was. Whind and rain and sand on

    the lense all after a two hour drive and a short sprint in the dark to be

    there at first light. There as some colour photos in my portfolio of this

    but they have smudges and marks from the storm so I thought I'd

    convert to black and white and ask for help on what else I could do with

    this. All comments and suggestions welcome.

    Glacial Pass


    I'm with Charls - sorry. When I opened it I just thought "thats big". We dont have anything like that in Australia our mountains are just small hills compared to these. Once I looked at it for a while I thought the same thing as Charles in that if the foreground had a bit more detail it would look even bigger. Mind you the trees need to be made lighter but nothing else, the mountain and the snow were perfect.


    All good feedback, it's better to have people making comments rather than simple congratulations.

    Luminous clouds


    Leonid the first thing i notice is that the photo is not horizontal. The water is higher on the right hand side than the left so it looks like it's flowing up hill. The foreground is the water and the boats are the middle ground so the eyes when looking at the photo skip the foreground and stay on the boats in the middle. The sky is pretty much all one color and does not have anything that drags the eyes up off the boats.


    You could try playing around with the saturation to bring some colours out in the sky is there was some light up there you wanted to show.


    Or you could convert to black and white then darken the edges so it liiks like the light was trying to burst through the clouds and only be shining on the boats.


    Keep at it there is a photo in this one woth developing.



    Loved it, great work and very talented.


    For me you could do something more with the sky, it does look a little burnt out towards the very to. If you darkened it slightly it should bring out some more drama to suit the cragy rocks.





    Nice photo Gary.


    I think your horizon may not be horizontal. If you take the shin on the water it low on the right, if you take the milky mist on top its just high on the right. You could add a litte spot saturation to the red/move areas just to bring that colour out and there are some places it glows on the water that could be lifted.


    It's a lovely photo and I admire you being out there with your feet in the water to capture it.

    Arches Rain


    I guess this means more to people that have been there, from what I gather this place does not get rain much. It's a bit like Ayres Rock in Australia, when us Aussies see it black we know it's been raining.


    I love the photo and get what your trying to show us butr could it be improved in some what by capturing the movement of water, a drip of a desert tree or something.


    Also I don't know if it's my eyes or not but it does not look horizontal it seems to dip to the right side.


    Brilliant shot and brilliant colours, i do like the fod drifting through the valley as well.



    Ahhhh Gerry the classical will say it needs this and needs that but I'm ok with this one. Looks like you made something out of the shot and we don't always get the perfect scenery to work with. I think one of the great things that shows talent is that you make something uninteresting look interesting and that's what you have done here. Better to come back with a half decent photo than nothing at all. It's clear, it's different, its interesting - well done


    my only comment is the the horizon (water line) seems slightly tilting down to the letf.



    I looked through your portfolio and you do seem to like trees and the bluring effect on the edges. For me I'm not totally a fan of this one where I am of some of your others.


    This may look great with the contrast turned up as a Silhouette against the sky or even a dramatic Black and White.


    Love you work

    Macro fly

    I love everything about this, great composition with room infront of the fly, great clarity on the focus point of the eyes and great color choices on the background - just great all round.
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