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Image Comments posted by ian_clark3

  1. Thanks for your comments but I got to be honest I didnt play with the saturation. I had a polarizing filter on from taking photos of the dawn and i had a greade filter on also which i forgot to turn from when i was taking horizontal photos so that is why the right hand side is darker. Other that that I didn't play with the saturation that is just how the camera captured it. I shot in raw with the White Balance set on "sun". There was rain coming and just starting to fall from right to left. The sun had just broken the horizon on the left side by was struggling to get between some broken clouds. It does look like a painting though I agree.
  2. Hmmmm you chopped the tops off again and your tilted. Helen the horizon is not horizontal it dips to the left. You could straighten in photoshop by about 2 degrees.


    I like your reflection but i think you could put the mirror mark around half way in the picture. Then I'd up the contrast a bit and hit the saturation up slightly. If your photo software lets you work on parts of the photo then just darken the sky.


    Photography in australia especially during the day is so hard compared to Europe and north America. Our sun is so bright it creates such enormous contrasts so us Aussies have to stick together to get it right.


    You could try a verticle shot on one of these and just concentrat on getting one or two trees.


    Keep at it Helen your doing great.

  3. I like it but I dont Helen. Then let me say they are bloody hard things to get right.


    In this you have more of the reflection than you do of the tree, I think a balance is better where you have half and half. I also think the contrast could be ramped up a bit to get the blue showing through more especially in the top half of your picture.


    I must do some more billabongs myself as they are so Australian and unique even on this site.


    by the way i looked through your portfolio and you certainly have travelled and have some beautiful photos. nice to meet another Aussie Helen.


    Cheers Clarky

  4. Jenny your picture is a beautiful photo. I looked at it for quite some time trying to decide if I liked it or really liked it. In the end i decided the top 2 thirds were brilliand, gret colours, great sky and nice dark land framing it. Then there is the lake, beautiful reflection but almost too beautiful. There is just something about the water and the clarity of the reflection that draws my eyes away to it. Mybe the reflection is too perfect and I find myself searching for signs of the actual water. Anyway great photo, I hope you enjoyed being out there.




    I like it, very nice and I like the panoramam cut as well. Maybe a nice border or just a top and bottom border but very nice. good to see someone NOT sticking with conformity.
  5. I was photographing the dawn across the dam and it had just started to

    rain lightly. I turned to hike back to my car and saw what I'd been

    missing. I have removed a rain drop from the middle but the rest is how

    the camera saw it.



    Dawn on the Dam


    Taken pre-dawn this is right out of the camera. Taken in raw and just

    the contrast turned up a little the photo remains how the camera saw it.


    Thoughts, i like the way the old dead tree is kinda leaning towards the


  6. Yes especially in australia and up in queensland where i live the sun is quite harsh and the tonal range is dramatic. Most other photographers around my area seem to leave the sun out of their photos and take sunsets and sunrises side on catching the light on some other subject. Or they use HDR to capture the harsh range. I guess i just didn't want to be like all the others so wanted to try to capture the scenes with the sun in using a range of filters. I'm still not there it like I need a filter with a dark spot right in the middle to block the sun.


    Thanks for you comments.

  7. I love unstructured photography. i like to just turn up at a place without

    being there before, not knowing the tied times or the sunset direction.

    Putting yourself under pressure to make any photo out of what is

    presented. I saw this from a distance, climed a security fence and

    crouched down behind a concret wall to take a series of photos. This

    was probably the best.





    I found this new place just before sunset and madly searched for a shot

    as the sun was going down quite fast. I ducked into a thicket of

    mangroves and found this little fello on the other side just as the sun

    went behind the horizon. I at least got a shot and the journey was not


  8. This is actually in the city of Brisbane between a major Hwy and the

    airport. I was driving past one morning on the way to the airport and saw

    it when a few trees were knocked down to road works. I promised

    myself to go back and photograph it just incase it was burried in



    This is pre-dawn - thoughts.

  9. Not sure anyone has made a photo of this before. It's a small wetland

    stuck between a major Hwy and Brisbane airport which you can see the

    control tower on the horizon. I like turning up at a place at dawn and

    trying to make a photo as the sun rises.

    Murano Glass


    It is a brilliant capture but for me the flower is pushed up into the right hand top corner. I'd crop the bottom left off and if you have more top right put it back on so the flower is "looking" into some space.


    Cheers, lovely job.

  10. Michael for me to have captured this you would have to be down there on the beach. The car tracks in the sand would make nice lead in lines to the people who would be foreground interest with the sweeping beack leading the eyes out into the clouds on the horizon. I definately with you but as it in you have a little down front, a big expanse of blank water then the clouds to the top. If you had got down there the blank water in the middle would not sho on such an expanse of your photo.


    Well done anyway, keep at it.



    Jay looking at this I find my eyes dashing all over the photo. The line being the swirls in the water keep dragging you arounf rather than leading you to the focal point being the gull. The gull is indeed alone but because you are looking down on him you cant see his eyes or the blank expression sea gulls have so I find it looses a little context. when i think of a gull alone I see one sitting on a wall by himself with blue sky in the background. there is nowmally so many its hard t get a photo of one aonle so you want to get as much surround blank as possible. Being alone also then the gull is looking for his friends so what you could do with this is crop it so the gull is in the top right hand corner looking into the barren expanse of the rest of the photo which woul still give you the lovely colours in the rock.


    Good job, well done and keep at it.

    Nudgee Beach


    I went back and checked the horizon and it seemed fine. I enlarged the photo to full screen and put a horizontal line across it and the horizon still lined up. There is an island out there, well actually it's reclaimed land the Brisbane container warf now sits on. It comes out from the right hand side but does not go all the way across, i have anuther version of this beach in my protfolio which shows it more clearly. Maybe that makes it look a little off horizontal.


    Thanks Jack i really do appreciate feedback on such things.

  11. Outstanding picture Liz although I guess you darkened the side with some 'burning' which for me has encroached on the photo it'self. I think you could darken the background a bit more carefully and obtain the same effect.


    different, interesting and different and well done for that. Could be better if she was standing on white, i found the grey floor a little distracting otherwise its good to see someone doing something imaganitive.
  12. I noticed the sky building late in the afternoon as cyclone Hamish

    moved down the queensland coast. I knew i didn't have much time so I

    dashed to the top of the closest hill and took this photo. It may need

    foreground interest but the sky was so big I just had to get it all in.



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