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Image Comments posted by ian_clark3

  1. nice composition. I dont know it it would be possible with the didtance but to have the background also in focus would be something. Very good, I like the use of people in landscapes.
  2. The composition is not working for me. There is too much water before you get to the top of the wall stickinking out. Then the wall is pointing a at a different place other than the sun which becomes the main dominate subject. If you had gone to the left the two would have lined up more as a good lead in line. You could also boost the contrast a little to make it more punchy and bring the colour out a bit.


    Cheers, well done



    nice composition and i like that you didnt flatten the water with a long exposure. The black and white works well. Well done all round.


    Needs a bit more interest in the foreground to really show the scale of the mountains. You could have got up closer to one of the big rocks or closer to the people and used them as foreground which would make the valley look longer and the mountains higher. None the less I like it.

    Home sweet home


    For me Tomas you need some foreground interest here. Maybe if you just got closer to the first lot of yellow flowers and down a bit lower it would give your photo more depth and scale.


    Well done.


    your photos usually blow me away but this one does not. There is nothing wrong with it as it captures the mood of the place but up against your others its a bit bland for me.


    It works for me, the clarity is great but it's not your best work but I'm not really sure why I dont like it as much. Maybe it's a bit confronting with her staring at me.



    To get some interesting foreground i unfortunately had to highlight the

    pollution in the beautiful setting. It still works well I think, what do others


    Atkinson Dam


    This is a dam close to Brisbane, Australia. It has not had much water in

    it for some time but with recent rains these small trees have been

    drowned. What do people think?

    Roadside rest


    Liz I see what you were trying to capture in a difficult situation with difficult contrasts. The fence being so big and dark dominates the photo and cuts it in half rather than leading the viewer into the photo. Maybe you had to take the two photos with one of the sheep and the other the view. All i could suggest is if you got more to the wall and then the sheep would have been more in a line and the wall not cutting the photo off.


    Good shot Liz you could also try increasing the contrast out over the water and mountains to get it to 'pop' a bit more.

  3. This is either is Asia somewhere or its a little red in processing. The blue of the sky is not like some of your other photos and the clouds are not the greay of rain clouds and look more dusty. The ocean itself looks brown. Nice lead in line and nice capture and it would look even more dramatic with a border bottom and top only.


    Well done, good photo



    I like it but i think it could be cropped a little differently for me. I'd like to see it tilted slightly to the left and a little cut off the bottom so the lead in line of the dune came more from the bottom left corner. It would then lead out more and curve across the center of the fram and go back to the left side third.


    Great photo however you settle on it Brad.



    I think this is an Australian term - its a bit half pregnant.


    Helen I think you have to be either in close on the water lillies and looking for patterns with the leaves and reflections and contrast up close with the flowers OR move back and get a greater expanse of the billabong showing the fuller expanse.


    The paperbark looks just a little over exposed sp you might want to try something like a polarizing lens which also protects your camera. I never take mine off even if I'm shooting pre-dawn with 30 second shutter speeds.



    composition is good and I recognise it's very difficult shooting into the sun. To me the photo looks a bit over saturasied. There is too much yellow when it should be more golden in colour.


    Its a great photo non the less

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